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Listed under:  Mathematics  >  Number (Mathematics)  >  Number operations  >  Multiplication  >  Factors

Numbers Count: What are factors?

What are factors? Watch as the jelly babies in this clip show you! What are the factors of 12? How many factors does the number 11 have? Try explaining to a friend what a prime number is.


reSolve: Multiplication - reSolve Fruit Shop

This sequence of two lessons explores the use of arrays to determine how many objects are in a collection. Students use strategies such as skip counting, repeated addition and partitioning the array into smaller parts. They investigate how some numbers can be represented as an array in different ways. They also explore ...


reSolve: Authentic Problems: Bunches of Balloons

This sequence of three lessons introduces division and multiplication through the context of decorating a room with clusters of balloons. Students carry out an inquiry using a variety of processes associated with multiplication and division such as grouping concrete objects, arrays, repeated addition and skip counting. ...


reSolve: Area and Perimeter

This series of three lessons explores the relationship between area and perimeter using the context of bumper cars at an amusement park. Students design a rectangular floor plan with the largest possible area with a given perimeter. They then explore the perimeter of a bumper car ride that has a set floor area and investigate ...


reSolve: Algebra: Think of a number - Linear Equations

This lesson explores algebra by generalising results from arithmetic used in 'think of a number' games. Students connect arithmetic operations with algebraic notation and visualisations. The lesson begins with an observation made using arithmetic that students then justify and extend using algebra. The lesson is outlined ...


reSolve: Quarter Cartons

This lesson challenges students to use algebra and proportional reasoning to investigate how changing the size of a paper square or rectangle impacts the dimensions of a box folded from that paper. Students apply knowledge about nets of 3D objects and explore algebraic relationships through a set of hands-on activities ...


reSolve: Algebra: Tens and Units

This sequence of lessons aims to develop understanding of algebra as generalised arithmetic. Students learn to express 2- and 3-digit numbers in a general form and use this to explain results of arithmetic operations involving numbers with their digits reversed. The task links the ideas of place value with algebraic reasoning. ...


Fraction basics - Easy & Effective Fractions Tutor - iTunes app

Learn about the core concepts of fractions through 12 animated clips. View the clips on the topic that you want to learn about. These clips will help build a string foundation in fractions. Free when reviewed on 12/5/2015.


TIMES Module 10: Number and Algebra: division of whole numbers - teacher guide

This is a 26-page guide for teachers. This module contains a description of suitable models for division, a discussion of the types of problems that require division for their solution, and mental and written strategies for division.


TIMES Module 33: Number and Algebra: factorisation - teacher guide

This is a 17-page guide for teachers. It continues the discussion of factorisation. In particular, the techniques for the factorisation of quadratic expressions are presented.


TIMES Module 3: Number and Algebra: multiplication and division - teacher guide

This is a 23-page guide for teachers. This module contains a description of suitable models for multiplication, a discussion of the type of problem phrased in words that requires multiplication for its solution, and mental and written strategies for multiplication. The use of the commutative, associative and distributive ...


TIMES Module 35: Number and Algebra: the quadratic function - teacher guide

This is a 29-page guide for teachers. It introduces graphing of quadratic functions.


Algebraic expressions

This is a website designed for both teachers and students that addresses algebraic expressions from the Australian Curriculum for year 8 students. It contains material on using simple positive and negative fractions, substitution, collecting like terms, taking products, and expanding brackets using the distributive law ...


TIMES Module 39: Number and Algebra: polynomials - teacher guide

This is a 27-page guide for teachers. This module introduces addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of polynomials. Factorisation of polynomials and the solution of polynomial equations are also discussed.


TIMES Module 9: Number and Algebra: multiplication of whole numbers - teacher guide

This is a 23-page guide for teachers. This module contains a description of suitable models for multiplication, a discussion of the types of problems that require multiplication for their solution, and mental and written strategies for multiplication. The use of the commutative, associative and distributive laws is described. ...


Sites2See: Patterns and Algebra

Selected links to a range of interactive online resources for the study of patterns and algebra in Foundation to Year 6 Mathematics.


reSolve: Working with algebra

This sequence of two lessons gives students opportunities to explore and share strategies for solving algebraic problems. The lessons focus on open-ended problem solving and developing multiple approaches to solving problems algebraically such as using like terms and substitution. Students work individually and in small ...


reSolve: Algebra: Addition Chain

This sequence of lessons explores making algebraic generalisations of sequences. Students use spreadsheets to investigate potential arithmetic relationships and then use algebra to identify and justify which relationships are generally true. The task can be used as a springboard for an in-depth exploration of the Fibonacci ...


Multiples of five

When is a times table useful? Watch this video to see an example of when knowing a five times table comes in handy. Can you think of another example where knowing the times table could be useful?


Prime and Composite Numbers - Calculate

This unit investigates prime and composite numbers. Prime numbers are the elements of number system. Combining primes together by multiplication gives us all of the other whole numbers, just as combining atoms of different elements gives us the molecules and compounds of the physical world.