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Listed under:  Economics and business  >  Industries  >  Primary industry  >  Agriculture  >  Agricultural land  >  Farms

How do you like your eggs?

This is a teacher resource containing a sequence of inquiry relating to egg production systems used by egg farmers in Australia. It contains material to assist planning, implementing and assessing a research task about the egg production systems and the management techniques used to produce eggs, the claims associated with ...


Cotton Australia: posters

This page provides links to 5 posters that can downloaded as PDFs. The posters include: field to fashion process, sustainable cotton farms and a map showing where cotton is grown. Variations of the posters are available for primary and secondary students. The web page also provides a link to order free hard copies if required.


Food security researcher

This is a short clip in which a dietician, Kate, describes a food security research project she is working on and includes details about what food security is, the skills employed by researchers and what she enjoys about her project topic. Kate provides encouragement for undertaking work experience to find out more about ...


Meet the food system

This unit of work consists of two parts, supported by lesson plans, slides and handouts and teachers guides. The first part examines the food system as a complex network that is deeply connected to health, society, and the environment. The second part explores key milestones in the history of agriculture, with a focus on ...


Balloon car challenge

In this practical activity, students design and build a balloon-powered car and race it to better understand the ideas related to rocket propulsion. The resource includes a step-by-step teacher guide and student worksheets.


Cotton Australia fact sheets

This library provides a series of one to two page fact sheets on a range of topics related to the Australian cotton industry including: an overview of the industry, history of the cotton industry in Australia and in the world; economics of Australian cotton; biotechnology; climate challenges and cotton; properties of cotton ...


For the Juniors: Where Does Bread Come From?

Do you know where your bread comes from? Discover how many other foods can be made from wheat flour. This clip tells the story of wheat from the farm to the factory. See how the big machines in a flour mill make flour from grains of wheat.


NFF: Farm facts 2012

This is a multilayered web page produced by the National Farmers' Federation, which includes links to a 34-page pdf and a Prezi providing a summary of agricultural production in Australia in 2012. These include information about Australian farmers and farms, as well as an overview of farming sectors such as wool, cotton, ...


ACMF: Farm visit

This resource is a web page providing information about commercial chicken meat farming in Australia. It explains that meat chickens are not raised in cages but are kept in large barns, and provides a link to further information on the different farming systems used in growing meat chickens. The resource features a film ...


Weston Farm - organic farm (Tasmania)

This is a video about horticulturalist and farmer Richard Weston and his success in growing high quality organic food and flowers. It shows scenes of Weston Farm as he speaks of his commitment to quality niche products, the importance of diversification in small-scale farming, and the value of overseas research. He goes ...


Farm Diaries: producer video

This is a video about pig production at the Tintinara property of the Mount Boothby Pastoral Company in South Australia. Pigs at various stages are shown, including nursing piglets, weaned piglets weighing between 7 and 10k, and pigs close to a live weight of 100k. Pig producer Alastair Johnson gives statistics about the ...


Carey Bros Queensland

This is a video about the operation of the Carey Brothers meat production business. Introduced by Greg Carey, the video shows beef cattle at the company's abattoir as he lists the numbers of cattle, lambs and pigs processed in a typical week and the numbers of staff employed at the plant. He praises the resilience of the ...


Breeding a sustainable future

This is a unit of work that focuses on improvements in livestock and crop production brought about by agricultural practice, scientific research and technology. The unit is organised around six learning experiences that include investigating how agricultural products have developed over time; identifying the role of technology ...


From Citrus to Almonds: video

This is a video [6:25 min] about growing almonds on a property in the Riverland of South Australia and why the owners switched from citrus to almond production. The first part of the video illustrates the characteristics of the property and explains the long-term strategy and business reasons for the switch. The next part ...


Digging into Science- where science fits in paddock to plate

This is a resource about the scientific roles involved in the steps of the farm to plate process. It presents the current issues that Australia faces in food production and why science is important in every stage of the food production process. The resource is presented as a teacher guide and includes: learning outcomes, ...


Exploring farms that produce our meat and wool:producer video

This is a video about Mayura Station in South Australia and the full-blood Wagyu beef it produces. It is introduced by owner Scott deBruin who explains the origin of Wagyu cattle in Japan; points to the characteristic marbling of its meat preferred by Asian customers; and outlines the importance of high energy grain feed ...


Biomes that produce our food, industrial materials and fibre: producer video

This is a video about the mixed farming operations of Boonderoo Pastoral Company in South Australia. The farm is introduced by owner Lachie Seears who describes its size, family history and how region's Mediterranean climate allows him to diversify across a range of valuable commodities including Angus cattle, cross-breed ...


Producing cattle and sheep...and beef and lamb: producer video

This is a video about the operation of a Southdown sheep stud and olive plantation at Gum Park farm in South Australia. Introduced by farmer Dee Nolan, it shows the sheep in the olive groves, the lambing paddocks and birthing shed as she describes the farm's certified organic approach that starts from the soil up and uses ...


Finding Farms

This is a teacher resource containing a series of inquiry teaching sequences about life on farms in Australia. It contains material to assist the planning, implementing and assessing a study of five primary industry sectors involved in food and fibre production. The tasks in this resource are based around illustrated maps ...


Using water sustainably through science

This teacher resource is a sequence of activities for investigating water resources. The material assists with planning, implementing and assessing a study of how water resources are managed. It covers how water resources are used and shared, particularly by food producers; the impact of changing weather and climate; and ...