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Listed under:  Science  >  Life  >  Genes  >  Genetic variation

Stickleback Evolution Virtual Lab - iTunes app

Enter this virtual laboratory and conduct experiments to investigate genetic variation and evolution of populations of the three-spined stickleback fish. Students analyse fish and fossillised specimens, construct tables and graphs, and interpret their analysis. There are also instructive tutorials, videos describing stickleback ...


Radio National: Using genes to unlock the secrets of Tutankhamen

Tutankhamen was an Egyptian pharaoh who ascended to the throne in 1333 BC, at the age or nine or ten. His fame in modern times is due to the discovery of his virtually intact tomb in 1922. Since then, many questions have been asked about his life and ancestry. Listen to this audio clip to find out how genetic technology ...


Farmers, their animals and the environment

This is a video about the valuable genetic diversity of Asia's indigenous domesticated animals; the contribution the animals' genes make to local people's food security; and the results of the use of genetic technologies. The video identifies ever-present links between farmers, their animals and the environment by describing ...


Natural selection

This interactive simulation explores how genetic variability in a population leads to natural selection. In a series of simulations students explore which mutations are favoured by the selection agents of predators and food variety and which mutations are neutral; which traits change the survivability of an organism in ...


Activity: biodiversity is more than the sum

This is a web resource that provides a teacher guide for student activities about biodiversity. The teacher guide provides lesson plans for the activities involving research, presentation of findings and peer assessment, and includes background information about biodiversity as well as a list of suggested research topics. ...