F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
Your search returned 15 results
This interactive simulation explores the effect of greenhouse gases and clouds on sunlight, infrared radiation, and surface temperature of the Earth. In a series of simulations students explore why greenhouse gases affect the temperature; they compare and contrast the behaviour of sunlight and infrared radiation; investigate ...
Come on an eye-opening trip to Western Arnhem Land in northern Australia to find out how Aboriginal fire-control techniques are used to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by thousands of tonnes.On the trip you will also find out how exploding ping-pong balls are used to create low greenhouse gas firebreaks at the right time ...
This is an animated video about the extent of global food wastage, its short- and long-term effects and how it can be minimised. Stating that about one-third of the food produced in the world each year is lost or wasted, the video uses concrete examples to show what this means in terms of land area, water, natural habitats, ...
What is geoengineering, and how is it being investigated by scientists as a means of combating climate change? Learn about some climate control techniques that could slow down or even reverse the effects of global warming. Hear an atmospheric physicist explain the pros and cons of geoengineering techniques.
Artificial lighting methods have changed with the invention of new lighting technologies designed to be more energy efficient and to reduce the use of resources. Since electricity has been used as an energy source, incandescent and fluorescent globes and, more recently, light emitting diodes (LEDs) have been used in our ...
Find out how carbon dioxide makes the Earth warmer, how oceans store heat and the way we can see climate history in ice. What are the consequences of changes in the global climate? What can we do as individuals and communities to stop these negative changes?
Find out how emissions from coal-burning can be reduced by turning the coal into syngas. This is a fact sheet describing methods of coal gasification, and how the resulting syngas can drive a combined cycle power generator. It lists the advantages of the technology, including lower emissions and increased efficiency, as ...
Find out how carbon emissions from power generation can be reduced. This is a PowerPoint presentation that deals with the contribution carbon capture and storage can make towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It explains the carbon cycle and the greenhouse effect. Techniques of carbon capture are described and their ...
Discussion about the strategy if tree planting used to balance the impact of human activities and its effectiveness.
This fact sheet provides information about how coal seam gas or methane is extracted and used as an energy source. It describes several coal seam gas operations in the Bowen and Surat Basins in Queensland. Several photographs and a map of projects in the Surat Basin are also included.
Find out about the technologies that can reduce our greenhouse-gas emissions. This resource consists of an animated video accompanied by an interactive landscape activity. The video focuses on technologies that can reduce carbon-dioxide emissions from the burning of fossil fuels, as well as renewable energy and improved ...
This is an information sheet containing a student activity simulating geological sequestration of carbon dioxide as well as background information for teachers. The background information describes sequestration in geologic formations, including oil and gas reservoirs, unmineable coal seams and deep saline reservoirs. The ...
Have you heard of greenhouse gases? What do you think they are? (The word 'greenhouse' is a big clue!) The delicate balance of greenhouse gases has been affected by the addition of an unprecedented amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) to our atmosphere in the last 150 years. Watch this video to find out how CO2 is being added ...
This is a colour video clip of marine scientist Abby Smith discussing the effects of increased levels of carbon dioxide on marine animals. Smith is a teacher and researcher at the University of Otago, New Zealand.
This study guide examines ways Australian cattle and sheep farmers are monitoring and researching how greenhouse gas emissions are being produced by farms and steps farmers use to reduce them. This includes selective breeding programs to produce cattle and sheep whose digestive processes emit less methane, research into ...