F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
Your search returned 37 results
This resource is a web page containing an interactive that can be used to explore the relationships between the angles of turn that produce the same vertical and horizontal displacements. The task provides an opportunity to apply their understanding of division and recurring decimals. A 'Getting started' page, printable ...
This resource is a web page containing a challenging problem solving task that requires an understanding of ratios and logarithms. It explains how intervals such as an octave corresponds to a particular ratio of string lengths which produce the notes. Two types of tuning based on ratios; The Pythagorean Scale and Just Intonation ...
This resource is a web page containing a challenging problem solving task that requires an understanding of rate and proportion. It can be solved in a number of ways for example graphically, using fractions or equations and all involve reasoning. A printable resource and solution is also available to support the task. This ...
How might you find out how much and where the Earth's oceans are warming? Watch the report by Ruben Meerman and discover how more than 3000 'nautical robots', known as argo floats, have been placed in the oceans to collect data on variations in temperature, pressure and salinity.
Using an illustrated report from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, this Teacher guide provides ten learning sequences that engage students in the analysis and interpretation of data about Australian imports and exports. Students: identify Australia's major exports and imports; investigate international trade ...
This is a 19-page guide for teachers. It introduces quadratic equations and methods for solving them.
Students construct a series of GeoGebra applets that investigate the parameters gradient and intercepts of straight lines. They reinforce this knowledge with Microsoft Math 3.0.
This is a website designed for both teachers and students, which addresses content on plotting linear relationships from the Australian Curriculum for year 8 students. It contains material on plotting points on the Cartesian plane, working with tables of values, and looking at the gradient and the equation of a line. There ...
Explore graphs, grids and mapping with a focus on reading and writing location data using coordinate geometry. Grids and maps illustrate the concepts of parallel/perpendicular lines (axes or labelled number lines), ordered pairs and intersection points.
In this sequence of three lessons, students use geometric reasoning to establish relationships between angles in polygons and go on to make generalisations using algebraic expressions. Students explore and enumerate right angles in a series of rectilinear polygons and generalise their findings. They then explore the number ...
Plot functions, create tables, add sliders and animate your graphs. Touch points of interest on the graph to show maximums, minimums and points of intersection. Type in an equation and watch the calculator solve the problem. Free when reviewed on 12/5/2015.
This sequence of two lessons explores real world, algebraic, numeric and graphical representations of linear functions, focussing on the gradient of linear functions. Students use images of everyday objects and inscribe straight lines, then use Geogebra to explore the algebraic representation of their lines. Each lesson ...
This planning resource for Year 10 is for the topic of Linear expressions and equations. Students have developed confidence from their prior learning to algebraically solve linear equations of the form ax + b = c and can represent the solution graphically. They extend this to solving pairs of simultaneous linear equations ...
This planning resource for Year 7 is for the topic of Graphs. Students are introduced to the four-quadrant Cartesian plane. The format of the coordinates should be explained and demonstrated; coordinates do not have to be an integer value.
This planning resource for Year 8 is for the topic of Patterns and number facts. Students bring together knowledge and skills on linear functions and relations and experiment with digital tools to investigate systematic variation of parameters to show the effect. Students cement their understanding of the 'm' and the 'c' ...
This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 8 Mathematics. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an authentic representation ...
This planning resource for Year 8 is for the topic of Mathematical modelling. Students model linear relationships to solve real-world applications that they can relate to, such as financial contexts (for example, pay rates for part-time work) or measurements (for example, cooking, constant speed and distance/time graphs, ...
This planning resource for Year 7 is for the topic of Linear expressions and equations. Students solve linear equations with one variable where the solution is a natural number. Begin with solving single-step equations to unpack the basic principles before moving to 2-step equations.
This planning resource for Year 8 is for the topic of Graphs. Students explore linear relationships in the context of the Cartesian plane using digital tools. Students will then go on to find the rule for a linear relationship and solve linear equations, both graphically and algebraically.
This planning resource for Year 9 is for the topic of Mathematical modelling. Students use algebraic rules, tables, graphs and digital tools to construct linear and quadratic models for a range of real-life situations, make predictions and solve related problems. They spend time identifying variables to formulate the models ...