F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
Your search returned 9 results
This resource is a video demonstration, with audio commentary, about calculating the mean, median and mode of a data set. The meaning of each of the terms - mean, median and mode - is explained and the difference between them is clarified. The resource explains the process and demonstrates a handwritten method for calculating ...
This resource is a web page containing a set of questions about mean, median and mode. Rather than work out the mean, median and mode from a data set, these questions require students to apply their understanding and reasoning to work out the answer. A 'Solution' is also available to support the task. This resource is an ...
This sequence of two lessons explores data sampling methods and measures of spread applied to a real world context of sporting teams. Students explore variation in the salaries of NBA players using real world data. They calculate means and medians, draw graphs, compare findings, and investigate the implications of obtaining ...
The dataset provides statistics about the estimated resident population, median age and sex ratio by countries of birth for the latest year of available data. It is periodically updated by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). The dataset is included in the list of related datasets on the page in MS Excel format.
This is a 29-page guide for teachers. Box plots are introduced as another graphical tool and are used for comparisons of data. Scatter plots are used to explore relationships between quantitative (usually continuous) variables.
This is a teacher resource about investigating and interpreting data relating to dairy farm milk yields, and contains two work tasks including an extension task, data sets, student worksheets to assess learning, and background information. This resource, produced by Agrifood Skills Australia, is part of the Agriculture ...
This planning resource for Year 7 is for the topic of Represent collected data. Students expand their knowledge of numerical data displays. Students draw or use digital software, to create their graphs or charts. Give ample opportunities to practise drawing stem-and-leaf plots, especially choosing the correct stems. Then, ...
Buy and sell fish in trading markets in a range of Australian and New Zealand cities. Compare market prices, supply and demand. Get to know other traders to find the best deals and discover new markets. Find a rare fish. Maximise your profit and reputation as a smart trader. This learning object is the last in a series ...
These seven learning activities, which focus on the use of 'real data' using a variety of tools (software) and devices (hardware), illustrate the ways in which content, pedagogy and technology can be successfully and effectively integrated in order to promote learning. In the activities, teachers use the three content strands ...