F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
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Imagine living in your own little piece of paradise, only to have a mining company move in and start changing it in ways you don't like. On the other hand, imagine the benefits that a mining company would bring to struggling businesses in the area! There are always different perspectives on any issue. As you listen to this ...
Find out how copper ore is extracted and turned into copper metal. This is a PowerPoint presentation showing the properties, uses and extraction of copper. It includes details of the mining and processing of copper ore, as well as smelting, converting and refining to produce copper metal. Most slides contain photographs ...
Test your knowledge of coal. This is a crossword puzzle with clues related to the formation, mining and uses of coal.
This is an activity sheet providing instructions for a simulated mining experiment using pieces of fruitcake. Students use various tools to remove different fruits, each representing different minerals, from a piece of fruitcake which represents the mine site. They are then required to rehabilitate the 'mine site'. The ...
Identify how mines affect the environment and investigate ways of reducing the effects. This student worksheet comprises a diagram showing activities at a mine site and a table to be completed by the student. Students use the table to summarise environmental effects of the mine and the actions taken at the site to reduce ...
This ABC In Depth feature article discusses the projections of how long will our energy resources will last given that our need for fossil fuels is insatiable, but coal, oil, gas and uranium reserves are finite and some may even be in decline. This article is comprehensive, but it is dated at 2008.
This brief ABC News in Science article from 2009 describes how two-thirds of the world's major deltas, home to nearly half a billion people, are caught between sinking land and rising seas, according to a new study. A very good example of an explanatory text dealing with examples of the impacts of human activity including ...
Find out where we get the coal that powers our homes and industries. This is a PowerPoint presentation outlining how coal is formed, mined, processed and used. All slides contain images or maps. Teachers' notes are included.
This fact sheet provides information about how coal seam gas or methane is extracted and used as an energy source. It describes several coal seam gas operations in the Bowen and Surat Basins in Queensland. Several photographs and a map of projects in the Surat Basin are also included.
Find out how miners plan for and carry out revegetation of sand mining sites. This is a PowerPoint presentation that shows the pre-mine surveys, planning, plant propagation, dune re-profiling and maintenance work carried out by Consolidated Rutile Limited (CRL) in rehabilitating land on North Stradbroke Island, Queensland, ...
This Google Earth interactive map shows the locations of operating mines in Australia. Each location is represented by name and an icon corresponding to the commodities extracted. Select an icon to view key information about the commodities, the operator and location of the mine.
A webpage of links to a range of interactive online resources about mining and mineral extraction, with a focus on uses of copper and environmental rehabilitation after mining.
This 5 minute video from Catalyst describes froth flotation that has been used to separate some useful components out of mixtures in mining. Laureate Professor Graeme Jameson pioneered a way to help the mining industry extract fine particles and led to the development of the Jameson Cell. His scientific approach is now ...
Throughout the 1800s Chinese migrated to colonial Australia to try their luck on the goldfields. This Look to Learn activity enables you to explore what life was like for the Chinese migrants through primary sources from this period.
Find out how industries can reduce their carbon footprints. This is an information sheet describing practices that can be used by industry to make energy use more efficient and thus reduce power bills as well as lowering greenhouse-gas emissions. A number of examples from the mining industry, such as the redesign of dragline ...
This is a unit of work about mining, occupations in the mining industry and the history and future of mining in Australia. The resource includes: An introduction with teacher notes, student tasks, embedded videos and links to additional resources. Specific topics explored include jobs in the mining industry; the role ...
In this activity, students outline the choices that need to be made when considering whether to use scientific and technological advances to obtain a resource from Earth's spheres.