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Listed under:  Mathematics  >  Number (Mathematics)  >  Number operations  >  Multiplication  >  Multiplication tables

Multiplication Facts - Calculate

This resources describes some games and activities that can be used to help students learn the multiplication facts (or times tables) up to 10 × 10.


Patterns and number facts: Year 4 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 4 is for the topic of Patterns and number facts. Students recall and demonstrate mastery of multiplication facts to 10 x 10 with related division facts, and extend to working with larger numbers. They use number facts and flexible strategies with computation of number problems.


Act it out

Students revise and extend the recall of 10x. They describe and continue patterns created from multiplication, and solve multiplication and division problems.


Patterns and number facts: Year 3 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 3 is for the topic of Patterns and number facts. Students extend and apply knowledge of number facts to 20 for addition and subtraction and extend to larger numbers. They demonstrate proficiency with multiplication facts for 3, 4, 5, and 10 and further develop their knowledge of related division ...


reSolve: Multiplication - Domino Arrays

This sequence of two lessons explores multiplicative thinking through the use of arrays where all the parts of the array are not visible. The sequence encourages students to find the total number of items in an array by multiplication rather than counting by ones or skip counting. Connections between area, arrays and multiplication ...


reSolve: Multiplication - Cartesian Product

This sequence of two lessons introduces the idea of multiplication as a Cartesian product, using the language of 'for each'. Students learn to use a tree diagram to find the number of possible combinations that can be made in an animal mix and match book. They learn how a simpler problem can be used to help solve a larger, ...


TIMES Module 3: Number and Algebra: multiplication and division - teacher guide

This is a 23-page guide for teachers. This module contains a description of suitable models for multiplication, a discussion of the type of problem phrased in words that requires multiplication for its solution, and mental and written strategies for multiplication. The use of the commutative, associative and distributive ...


Numbers Count: Multiply two numbers to get twenty!

Did you know that 5 times 4 equals 20? Did you also know that there are other numbers you can multiply to get to 20? See if you can come up with at least two other numbers.


Multiples of five

When is a times table useful? Watch this video to see an example of when knowing a five times table comes in handy. Can you think of another example where knowing the times table could be useful?


Nine times table

Learning the times tables can be hard! Watch this neat trick to learn the nine times table using just your fingers. See if you can solve 9 times 6 using this trick.


reSolve: Multiplication - The Tiler

This task explores arrays through the context of a tiling a courtyard. Students are given the total cost of tiling a courtyard and use this to calculate the price for individual tiles. They then explore the cost of different tiling designs to determine if one is cheaper than another. Each lesson is outlined in detail including ...


TIMES Module 9: Number and Algebra: multiplication of whole numbers - teacher guide

This is a 23-page guide for teachers. This module contains a description of suitable models for multiplication, a discussion of the types of problems that require multiplication for their solution, and mental and written strategies for multiplication. The use of the commutative, associative and distributive laws is described. ...


Circus towers: square stacks

Work out how many acrobats are needed to form square-shaped human towers. Start by building a square tower with four acrobats: two acrobats in the base layer and two acrobats standing on their shoulders. Examine a table and graph of the total number of acrobats in the towers. Predict the number of acrobats needed to build ...


Divide it up: puppies

Use a dividing tool to make equal shares of biscuits and toys in a pet shop. For example, share 34 biscuits equally between 6 puppies. Predict how many items each puppy will get, or how many packets can be filled. Check your prediction. Decide what to do with any leftovers. Complete a sentence describing the number operations.


Divide it up: grouping tool

Use a dividing tool to make equal shares of stationery such as pens, pencils or crayons. Complete a sentence describing a number operation. For example, pack 24 crayons into packets of 5. Predict how many packets are needed and identify how many items are left over.