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Listed under:  Mathematics  >  Discrete structures  >  Countable sets  >  Ordinal numbers

Count Us In, Ep 4: Ordinal number: first through to sixth

Dodly and Flynn explore counting with ordinal numbers from first through to sixth. Investigate the order of ice-cream on an ice-cream cone, sheep being shorn and playing 'pass the parcel'. Where did the missing birthday cake go? Could it be the prize in pass the parcel?


Collections - comparing and ordering

This is a web resource that includes student activities and games focusing on collections to 20, accompanied by a teacher guide. Activities cover comparing collections using one-to-one correspondence, ordinal numbers with associated positional words and a game based on the traditional Japanese game of ohajiki. The resource ...


The Mathscots: Puppy School Photo Day

In this animated video, Buster compares the different heights of puppies and Prime uses ordinal numbers to identify the order of the dogs. The mathematical focus is on comparing objects directly, by placing one object against another to determine which is longer; using language associated with measurement attributes, such ...


The Mathscots: Puppy Jump Photos

In this animated video, the puppies Prime and Poly compare the length of their jumps with Buster and Chance. Abacus the cat helps to work out which dog jumps the furthest. The mathematical focus is on comparing objects indirectly, by using a third object to determine which is longer; comparing lengths using informal units ...


The Mathscots: Puppy School Obstacle Course

In this animated video, Poly the puppy makes her way through an obstacle course which features 2D shapes and 3D objects. The mathematical focus is on sorting and describing squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, spheres and cubes; recognising 2D shapes within 3D objects; understanding and using terms such as ‘first’ ...