F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
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This video (14:20) examines the origins and emergence of the Enlightenment and its principles and ideas that shaped society including its institutions, freedoms, the exercise of law, education and wealth. The video discusses the impact of the writings of the philosophers of the period and the impact they had on Australia's ...
This is an edited sound recording of Australian astronaut Andy Thomas describing how he prepared to spend almost five months as a cosmonaut in 1998 aboard the Russian space station Mir, in company with two Russians. He also talks about conversational difficulties aboard the space station. The recording was made in August 2008.
Look at descriptions of Kakadu National Park in the Northern Territory. Help a park ranger to sort facts and pictures for an information display. Use a model structure, sample text and images to build a description for visitors. Include sections on the park's location, wildlife and cultural importance.
Go fishing in Western Australia. Look at how and why laws restrict people from taking certain fish. Identify cases where laws apply: size limits, bag limits and closed seasons. Build a magazine article explaining the fishing laws. Use a model structure and persuasive text to support a responsible position. For example, ...
Investigate George Leake's role in the move towards Federation. Examine two different types of biographies of Leake: one short and the other more detailed. Inspect examples of how he was visually depicted in his time. This learning object is one in a series of objects in the 'Biography: Federation people' series.