F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
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This is an open task as it can cater for the needs of many students and can be used over and over to build confidence in representing numbers in different ways. In this activity students have an opportunity to engage with a variety of number ranges and are able to demonstrate their understandings of those numbers in many ways.
Smaller numbers can be found hiding in bigger numbers – develops student knowledge, understanding and skills in using combinations of numbers.
This planning resource for Year 3 is for the topic of Number sequence. Students learn to recognise, represent and order whole numbers up to 10,000 and beyond. This involves using number names, writing conventions and renaming numbers using place-value parts.
This planning resource for Year 1 is for the topic of Number sequence. Students work towards being able to recognise, represent and order numbers up to 120. They use partitioning and various counting processes to make sense of and represent numbers in different ways.
This sequence of 15 lessons will teach students various calculation strategies.
Students use standard place-value partitioning to represent 'teen' numbers.
The content of this book is organised into topics including understanding whole and decimal numbers, and understanding fractional numbers.
Students represent four-digit numbers to 2,000 using materials. They read, write and compare three-digit and four-digit numbers.
This activity provides a way for children to show and tell what they know about numbers. It can be modified for different age groups and used every day with a different number.
This planning resource for Foundation is for the topic of Number sense. Students learn to recognise the order in a sequence of numbers to at least 20.
This planning resource for Year 2 is for the topic of Number sequence. Students extend and deepen their knowledge of the number system. They work toward recognising, representing and ordering numbers from 0 up to at least 1,000.
Students partition four-digit numbers into place-value parts.
This planning resource for Foundation is for the topic of Number sequence. Students establish foundational ideas and skills in number. There is a focus on subitising – instantly recognising and naming the number of objects in small collections of up to 5 (without counting).
Students apply standard and non-standard place value partitioning to seven-digit numbers.
This is a collection of digital activities and printable worksheets that uses the Italian ordinal numbers 20 to 100 in a variety of contexts, such as expressing weights and distances (in kilograms and kilometres), ages, phone numbers and street addresses, and playing cultural games such as tombola. It provides drills for ...
This sequence of two lessons explores the multiplicative place value properties of numbers. Students learn to represent numbers up to 1000 as multiples of 100s, 10s and 1s. Students skip count according to random arrangements of place value cards and explore whether the order of the cards affects the totals. They then use ...
This sequence of four lessons focuses on counting large collections of objects and developing efficient counting strategies. Students explore the ambiguous nature of a 'handful' and investigate how different sized hands and different grabbing techniques will result in different quantities of macaroni. Each lesson is outlined ...
This sequence of four lessons invites students to investigate how many of a chosen food item are eaten at their school in a year. Students identify the mathematical knowledge they need to find how many of the selected items they eat in a year and devise a plan to find the total number, using grouping, partitioning and repeated ...
This lesson explores counting large groups and building skip counting strategies. Students use their own strategies to work out how many birds are in a picture. They are then encouraged to consider efficient counting strategies and to recount the collection by grouping birds and using skip counting strategies. The lesson ...
This sequence of two lessons explores sorting numbers and place value. In the first lesson students identify the value of digits in a number and also build correct terminology to sort and describe 1-digit, 2-digit and 3-digit numbers. In the second lesson, students are challenged to use Venn diagrams to sort and describe ...