F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
Your search returned 25 results
This resource is a web page containing a short task to explore ratio and fractions. The task is based on the Pythagoreans discovery that simple ratios of string length made nice sounds together. A 'Getting started' page, printable resource and solution is also available to support the task.This resource is an activity ...
This resource is a web page containing an investigative task to explore ratios and is a follow up to the task Mixing Paints. The context of mixing paints to particular ratios of colours provides a useful task to model practical situations involving ratios. A 'Getting started' and 'Solutions' page is also available to support ...
Think credit cards are basically free money? Gen Fricker will make you think again. Learn how interest rates and fees affect the money you borrow, and why they may be more expensive in the long run. Oh dear! Then test yourself with ASIC MoneySmart's "Things to think about" classroom exercises.
How might you find out how much and where the Earth's oceans are warming? Watch the report by Ruben Meerman and discover how more than 3000 'nautical robots', known as argo floats, have been placed in the oceans to collect data on variations in temperature, pressure and salinity.
When completed, the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project will be the largest and most capable radio telescope available to scientists. Radio telescopes like the SKA detect radio waves produced by events and objects in the furthest reaches of space, translating these waves into data and imagery that allow scientists to study ...
This resource is a web page containing a challenging problem solving task that requires an understanding of ratios and logarithms. It explains how intervals such as an octave corresponds to a particular ratio of string lengths which produce the notes. Two types of tuning based on ratios; The Pythagorean Scale and Just Intonation ...
This resource is a web page containing an investigative task to explore ratios. The context of mixing paints to particular ratios of colours provides a useful task to model practical situations involving ratios. A 'Getting started' and 'Solutions' page is also available to support the task. This resource is an activity ...
This lesson introduces students to a trick for quick conversion between miles and kilometres using the Fibonacci sequence. Students are challenged to explain why the trick works. They investigate using their knowledge of ratio and discover that the miles/kilometres conversion rate is close to the golden ratio. The lesson ...
Is it more fuel efficient to drive or fly between two places? Watch this clip and learn how to calculate the answer. What are the various factors that need to be taken into account? This video was made using the American measurement of gallons per hour, American firgures for the average number of passengers in a car and ...
How many locusts in a plague? Find out just how big the threat of locusts can be and how farmers try to prevent the plagues from getting out of control. This clip provides context for a combination of area, area units and rate problems.
The golden ratio, Phi: fact or fallacy? What about the Fibonacci sequence? We are told this ratio and its cousin Fibonacci occur everywhere in nature. Let's see which of these claims stacks up when put to the test.
This resource is a web page containing an investigative task that explores rate. The estimated rate at which a competitor burns calories per hour for each discipline of triathlon is used to answer a problem. A 'Getting started' and 'Solutions' page is also available to support the task. This resource is an activity from ...
This resource is a web page containing a challenging problem solving task that requires an understanding of rate and proportion. It can be solved in a number of ways for example graphically, using fractions or equations and all involve reasoning. A printable resource and solution is also available to support the task. This ...
This resource is a web page containing an interactive that can be used to explore the relationships between the angles of turn that produce the same vertical and horizontal displacements. The task provides an opportunity to apply their understanding of division and recurring decimals. A 'Getting started' page, printable ...
This is the first in a series of Syllabus Bites related to direct and indirect proportion. Students revise the concept of ratio. They create short visual explanations showing how problems can be solved.
This is a 17-page guide for teachers. This module introduces the idea of ratios and rates. Ratios are used to compare two quantities. The emphasis is usually on comparing parts of the whole. Rates are a measure of how one quantity changes for every unit of another quantity. It relates the ideas of ratios, gradient and fractions.
This is an 18-page guide for teachers. This module introduces the idea of ratios and rates.
A student resource that explores the use of mathematics in the trades. Highly interactive investigations into ratio, areas of special quadrilaterals and right-angled trigonometry.
Ever noticed that plants are examples of Fibonacci numbers? Watch Vi Hart draw examples of flower petals and leaf growth that follow this pattern. See how plants seem to use Phi (.), the golden ratio. Find out how to make your own 'angle-a-tron' to create interesting petal designs. This is the second in a series of two.
In this unit, let’s look at how percentages are used in everyday life to compare changes in things and measure rates of change.