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Listed under:  Economics and business  >  Economy  >  Production (Economics)  >  Resources

Living on the moon!

Imagine living on the moon! What are some of the essentials you may need that you take for granted on Earth? How would you source or access these necessities on the moon?


The price of peak fuel

This ABC In Depth feature article discusses the projections of how long will our energy resources will last given that our need for fossil fuels is insatiable, but coal, oil, gas and uranium reserves are finite and some may even be in decline. This article is comprehensive, but it is dated at 2008.


Exploring sustainable practices in food and fibre production:producer video

This is a video about how trees are grown and harvested by Green Triangle Forest Products and how facial tissues are made at Kimberley-Clark's South Australian mill. In the first part of the video, Linda Maddern Marketing Manager for Green Triangle Forest Products describes the size and importance of Australia's forestry ...


Responsible fishing in Western Australia: write an article

Go fishing in Western Australia. Look at how and why laws restrict people from taking certain fish. Identify cases where laws apply: size limits, bag limits and closed seasons. Build a magazine article explaining the fishing laws. Use a model structure and persuasive text to support a responsible position. For example, ...