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Listed under:  Society  >  Social relations  >  Respect

Teaching and learning about pornography in Health education

This resource provides insights into the use of pornography by young people with the aim of enabling teachers to identify the extent to which they might teach about this topic within the remit of Health education. The resource provides some ideas for ways to inform parents about what students will be learning about pornography, ...


See The Hidden Trends of Disrespect

This webpage includes The Algorithm of Disrespect which is an educational tool that simulates a young person’s online experience. It is designed to educate adults about the new, hidden forms of disrespect that young people are engaging with every day online. Find conversation starters and other useful resources through ...


Building respect in relationships

Students explore what constitutes respectful relationships, what influences inclusivity and equality in relationships, and how to seek help if something isn’t right. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to analyse factors and strategies that enhance respectful relationships, articulate interpersonal skills in ...


Me, others and external factors

A responsibility pie chart (RPC) is a psychological tool that explains the role three factors (own actions, others’ actions and unpredictable factors) have on the outcome of a situation. It’s particularly useful in explaining negative situations, and in helping students to see that many parties have responsibility and to ...


The Last Laugh

This imaginative digital text is an illustrated narrative for teachers to read aloud to students. It is about Monkey, and how she learns an important message about friendship. The resource includes a teaching sequence related to the Big Six components of literacy development (oral language, phonological awareness, phonics, ...



In this unit students develop specialised movement skills through learning a dance sequence taught by the Muggera Dance Crew. They will manipulate the elements of dance to compose and enhance sequences for group performance. Students will practise and refine fundamental and specialised movement skills - applicable to dance ...


Work sample Year 7 and 8 Health and Physical Education: Respectful relationships

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 7 and 8 Health and Physical Education. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an ...


How can we include others and build respectful relationships? – Stage 1

In this unit students: • Learn to value diversity and foster connection with others through recognising similarities and differences within groups. • Develop social awareness through participating in group activities (such as yarning circles). • Explore ways to interact with others that promotes inclusion. • Identify and ...


Understanding cultural difference: Aboriginal cultures and their games

This unit focuses on developing an understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal cultures through participating in traditional Aboriginal games. Students explore differences in family structure and the nature of relationships. They will regularly reflect on their own family structure and relationships to identify similarities ...


Conversations and relationships

Students learn about the importance of open and respectful communication for building and developing friendships. They identify forms of open communication, develop understandings of the role of different relationships in their lives and reflect on their own communication skills.


Consent & respectful relationships

In this lesson, students learn that consent can take many forms and that there are different ways to ask for and give consent to support respectful relationships. Short videos and discussion questions scaffold the resource.


Moving oceans

This unit explores the Moving Oceans project as a model for students to create their own project designed for their local community. It is not necessary to live in a coastal geographic location for this learning sequence to be implemented into classroom contexts.


Skills and strategies for striking or fielding games

In this unit, students will explicitly learn and practise the skill required to be successful in striking/fielding games and explore the elements of effort, space, time, objects and people in developing a batting (offensive) and/or a fielding (defensive) strategy for the Home Runs (softball) activity.


First Nations Resource Hub

This set of resources is designed for teachers and other adults working with First Nations students. The resources describe new, hidden forms of disrespect that many young people are engaging with every day online. Find conversation starters, a Coaching Clinic presentation about respect and other useful resources on this webpage.


Porn: The who, what, where, when, how, why and why not

Students use the graffiti wall strategy and the 'Laugh and learn' resource to develop an understanding of what porn is, how people may come across porn, why people access porn and its possible harms. Strategies for dealing with unwanted exposure to porn are also discussed.


Years 1–2: Sharing content and collaborating

This sequence and scope unit introduces students to using the basic features of common digital tools to share content and collaborate. Students learn about using appropriate behaviours when working with others and sharing content. They also access school computer systems safely.


RELATE: Respectful relationships program - Stage 3

This resource is a one term Respectful Relationships program consisting of 8 scaffolded sessions covering topics such as Gender stereotypes and expectations, Respectful relationship qualities, Non-consensual image sharing, Sexual assault, Consent, Disrespectful and unethical behaviours, Decision making frameworks, and Opinion ...



In this lesson, students will work to define what respect means. They will be asked to give examples of ways we show respect at school, at home, and in the community. Students identify consequences that can happen when they are not respectful within different contexts.


Work sample Year 1 and 2 Health and Physical Education: Emotional responses

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 1 and 2 Health and Physical Education. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an ...


Stronger together

This unit focuses on developing knowledge and understanding of diversity and inclusion for individuals and the community. Students will develop skills and strategies to support inclusivity as an individual and also within the school and wider community. They will apply these skills in a number of settings and develop empathy ...