F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
Your search returned 19 results
This resource is a web page containing a short task to explore volume of a solid shape. The task involves calculating the volume of the solid formed by rotating a right angled triangle about its hypotenuse A printable resource and solution is also available to support the task. This resource is an activity from the NRICH ...
In this sequence of two lessons, students investigate how many trees would be required to supply paper for their school for a year. Students use similar triangles, Pythagoras' Theorem and algebra to design and construct a Biltmore stick, used to measure the diameter and height of a tree. They measure trees, calculate their ...
This lesson challenges students to use algebra and proportional reasoning to investigate how changing the size of a paper square or rectangle impacts the dimensions of a box folded from that paper. Students apply knowledge about nets of 3D objects and explore algebraic relationships through a set of hands-on activities ...
Bees are necessary for assisting many plants to produce the food we eat, including meat and milk. Colony collapse disorder, which describes the disappearance of beehives, could have catastrophic effects on food production. Australian scientists are applying their maths and science knowledge to build up a picture of a healthy ...
This is a five-page HTML resource about solving problems concerning surface areas of prisms. It contains one video and five questions, two of which are interactive. The resource discusses and explains solving problems involving determining surface areas of prisms to reinforce students' understanding.
This resource is a web page containing an investigative task to explore volume. Derive the formulae for the volumes of a square-based pyramid and a cone, using mathematical concepts. A printable resource is also available to support the task. This resource is an activity from the NRICH website.
How many locusts in a plague? Find out just how big the threat of locusts can be and how farmers try to prevent the plagues from getting out of control. This clip provides context for a combination of area, area units and rate problems.
There is a saying: 'climate is what you expect and weather is what you get'. |Understanding climate change is very difficult for most people, especially when the weather we experience is different from the information we are given by scientists about the climate changing. The difference is that weather reflects short-term ...
This is a 16-page guide for teachers. It provides an introduction to the initial ideas of measurement, and introduces the measurement of length, area, volume and time.
This is an interactive resource about investigating the surface areas and volumes of rectangular and triangular prisms. The resource can be used in one of two modes. In the Explore mode, the student can vary the height, width and depth of the prism, and the surface area and volume are calculated automatically. In the Compute ...
This is a website designed for both teachers and students that refers to the drawing of solids from the Australian Curriculum for year 7 students. It contains material on cross-sections of prisms and includes information regarding views, elevations and isometric drawings. There are pages for both teachers and students. ...
This is a 15-page guide for teachers containing explanations of the derivation of formulas for the areas of parallelograms, trapeziums, rhombuses and kites. Formulas for the volumes and surface areas of prisms and cylinders are obtained. Applications of these formulas are given. A history of the development of these concepts ...
This is a website designed for both teachers and students that refers to volumes of prisms and using formulas to find the volumes of prisms. It contains material on rectangular and triangular prisms and finding the volumes of these by using formulas. There are pages for both teachers and students. The student pages contain ...
In this laptop-friendly resource, students consider the difference between volume and surface area before posing practical problems. They then consider issues relating to unit conversions and similar figures.
This is a website designed for both teachers and students, which addresses the surface area and volume of prisms and cylinders from the Australian Curriculum for year 9 students. It contains material on calculating the surface area and volume of prisms and cylinders. There are pages for both teachers and students. The student ...
In northern Queensland's Gulf region, some farmers use GPS mapping to help manage their extensive properties. Use this clip as a context for applying your understanding of area, in particular your understanding of conversion between square kilometres and hectares. Apply trigonometry and Pythagoras' theorem.
In this resource students find the relationship between, length, width (or breadth), height and volume of rectangular prisms, calculate the volume of rectangular prisms and investigate cubic metres
Use this diagnostic task to assess what students know about volume and units to measure and compare volumes.
These seven learning activities, which focus on the use of 'real data' using a variety of tools (software) and devices (hardware), illustrate the ways in which content, pedagogy and technology can be successfully and effectively integrated in order to promote learning. In the activities, teachers use the three content strands ...