F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
Your search returned 33 results
In this lesson, students practise and apply skills and strategies to seek help for themselves and others through discussing a range of gambling-related scenarios. Students apply empathy, focussing on solutions and identifying services available to support people experiencing gambling harm. The lesson is outlined in detail ...
In this lesson, students explore the indicators and effects of gambling excessively. Students then create a mini-film, short clip or podcast to highlight the risks of gambling and how gambling can affect a young person’s life. The lesson is outlined in detail including NSW curriculum links, learning intentions, discussion ...
In this lesson, students research support networks that are available for gamblers in Australia. They explore how to recognise behaviours that indicate whether gambling is causing harm and how to seek and provide help for harmful gambling behaviours. The lesson is outlined in detail including NSW curriculum links, learning ...
In the German city of Leipzig, it seems as if almost everyone rides a bike. Like many European cities, Leipzig is 'bike friendly' and its residents have taken full advantage. In this clip, the reporter shows us why Europe is streets ahead when it comes to encouraging bike use and investigates what it might take for Australian ...
Population growth is one of the problems facing Australians cities. Dr Julian Bolleter from the Urban Design Research Centre at the University of Western Australia says creating mega-regions could be a potential solution. What is a mega-region? In order to create a mega-region, what must happen first?
This is an interactive streetscape of nine houses, each from a different era and of different styles. They represent the nine main housing styles in Victoria. Information about each of the houses includes: features and style; the Architect; designers; historical observations; house owners; and general social history of ...
This virtual excursion offers twelve video lessons that form a sample investigation of pest species invading Australian riparian zones. Filmed on Bundjalung Country, the excursion traverses mid north coast NSW Upper Clarence River Catchment, connecting each video to companion classroom and field learning tasks. The invasive, ...
A 'Cities of Opportunity' study in 2012 found that, while Sydney was regarded as a 'livable' city, its residents faced some significant urban issues. With other cities moving ahead of Sydney in the rankings, questions have been asked about why the cost of living in Sydney is so high and what should be done to solve some ...
The growth of the world's population and the pressure this places on resources and the environment is a highly debated topic. Watch this clip from 1996 to find out about the trends and concerns associated with population growth at that time, and consider how perspectives and patterns may differ today.
Imagine living your whole life under a military dictatorship. The people of Burma (a country also known as Myanmar) have been living this way for about half a century. See how recent government reforms have opened up new freedoms for Burmese citizens and given the international community access to the country once again.
The Live Aid concert in 1985 drew attention to Ethiopia's terrible drought and famine. When this clip was made decades later in 2008, the developing nation was still experiencing widespread hunger. See how charitable aid can impact on the lives of those in less developed countries.
Central Park in Sydney was voted the world's best tall building. It is known for the plants in its beautiful vertical gardens which cover its surfaces, but did you know that the garden is not purely decorative? Watch this video to find out what other purpose the vertical garden has.
A page with a focus on using geographical data to plan for future community needs, with supporting activities and links to resources.
Find out about Dame Enid Lyons, the first woman to be elected to the Australian Parliament. Author Michael Fullilove discusses her background and political objectives. The program includes Dame Edith's maiden (first) speech to Parliament in 1943 as a member of the House of Representatives.
Get ready to board a Melbourne tram for a journey around the City Circle route! Along the way, the passengers on the tram will highlight some aspects of Melbourne's urban design, both past and present, giving you a real sense of place. Is this the most 'liveable' city in Australia, as many claim, or a city in need of change?
The mighty Mekong river provides a way of life for millions of people, and is arguably the most important resource in the developing country of Laos. Discover how villagers are being relocated to make way for hydropower dams on this river, which stretches for nearly 5,000 kilometres from the mountains of Tibet to Vietnam. ...
Long lines of cars, frustrated drivers in peak traffic: familiar? As the population of Australia's major cities continues to rise and spread outwards, increased strain is placed on existing infrastructure such as roads. People often look to government to fix urban problems. Could a light rail system solve Sydney's western ...
This is a unit of work about disability rights, accessibility and liveability. It explores: liveable communities for diverse groups of people; assessing liveability of a local places for people with disabilities; disability rights and accessibility; and accessible transport services. The resource includes: an introduction; ...
This is an online resource about two contrasting Indonesian islands, Bali and Sumba, highlighting the inequalities that exist within Indonesia. The resource compares the rice and rainforests of Bali with the corn and savannah grasslands of the more remote, and less wealthy Sumba, and examines each in terms of the challenges ...
This is a unit of work about how to be a safe, active and responsible citizen on and around the rail network. The resource focuses on identifying the hazards and the hazardous behaviours and influences such as emotions and peer pressure that may impact the decisions young people make on and around the rail network. It includes: ...