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Listed under:  Science  >  Earth and space  >  Universe  >  Planetary systems  >  Solar System

Beyond Earth: Shelter from the Elements

This resource provides a scaffold for students to undertake a design challenge. The design challenge requires students to develop a shelter that protects humans from the hostile conditions on another planet. Students draw on their existing scientific understanding (for example, conductors and insulators), along with their ...


Modelling the Seasons

This resource provides a scaffold for students to undertake a simple experiment. Students use a world globe and a heat lamp to investigate how the tilt of the Earth’s axis causes the seasons.


Beyond Earth: Colonising Space

This resource provides a scaffold for students to respond to a persuasive writing task. The persuasive writing task requires students to determine where humans should create the first space colony, using prior learning and research to justify their decisions.


It’s Alive: Conditions on Earth

In this resource, students investigate and measure the conditions of planet Earth. They explore temperature, gravity and the needs of living things. Students also discuss how some conditions on Earth are constant, while other conditions regularly change, and how living things have adaptations to survive these changes.


AR Solar System with Metaverse

In this lesson, students explore our Solar System in Augmented Reality (AR). Students start by exploring a set of AR flashcards that present the Sun and Planets in our Solar System and then go on to use the Metaverse App to create their own AR solar system experience based on research.


Earth and space – Stage 3

In this lesson sequence, students explore the solar system through research to complete a product and or presentation as evidence of learning. Students compare the key features of the planets of our solar system and answer the question 'How does Earth compare to other planets in the solar system?' The sequence uses a balance ...


Modelling the Solar System

In this activity, students use fractions to create scaled model planets. Students predict how big each planet will look in comparison to Earth, and draw their predictions. They use operations involving fractions to calculate the scales of their models and use different methods to measure the diameter of the model planets.


My solar system

This is an interactive resource exploring the orbital motion of a system of planets. Using the orbital simulation, students can build their own system of planets and watch the gravitational ballet. They can set initial positions, velocities, and masses of 2, 3, or 4 bodies, and then see them orbit each other. This interactive ...


From Stonehenge to STEREO

Humans have been studying the sun for a long time, possibly because life on Earth is directly influenced by the sun. Why is the sun so vital to life on Earth? Think about what would happen to life on Earth if the sun didn't exist.


Our solar system - set of lithographs

This resource is a series of lithographs containing high-quality images and information about the planets of the solar system, moons of various planets, and asteroids, meteors and comets. Each lithograph contains a high-resolution image of the planet or planetary body, as well as several smaller images of particular features ...


Solar system exploration

This is a comprehensive NASA website that provides extensive factual information for teachers and students about the celestial objects making up the solar system. The website provides a general introduction to the solar system and a network of links to information about each of the major components: the Sun, each of the ...


Our world: what is a solar system?

This is a NASA 'Our World' video clip exploring the largest objects found in the solar system. The narrators of the clip include an enthusiastic young student, a synthesised voice and an amateur astronomer who address the issues of what exactly is a solar system and how the major celestial objects making up our solar system ...


Our world: moons in our solar system

This is a NASA 'Our World' video clip focusing on the celestial objects that orbit the planets of the solar system. The narrators include an enthusiastic young student and a planetary scientist who provide intriguing information about a variety of moons. The presence of water on some moons raises the possibility that there ...


For the Juniors: How do you know when rain is coming?

How can you tell when rain is on the way? Some animals seem to know when wet weather is coming. This clip explains some different ways that people can tell it's going to rain.


ABC News Dr Karl discusses the Earths heat video

Discover the activities deep within the Earth that could seriously impact life on Earth far into the future. Watch this video to find out about the sources of the Earth's own heat. Dr Karl explains clearly just what is below the Earth's surface and what is happening there. As well, he talks about changes in the Sun and ...


And now for the Sun's weather

The Sun is the primary source of energy on Earth and plays a major role in the weather we experience, but how does it affect weather in space? Watch this animation showing what happens when there is solar wind, solar flare and even a solar storm. Find out about their impacts on our planet and on us.


A long history of planet Mars

Mars, the fourth planet from the Sun, is a cold, dry, desert-like place with a thin atmosphere and no signs of existing water or life. However, evidence suggests that its surface might once have looked very different, and that it possibly contained bodies of water. Watch this animation showing what Mars may have looked ...


For the Juniors: Effects of dry weather

What do you feel like when the weather is hot and dry? Discover what happens to the land during dry weather. Look at how the landscape changes at different times of the year.


BTN: The Moon landing

Some say landing on the moon is as one of humanity's greatest achievements. Learn about the history of the moon landing and some of the challenges faced by scientists. See actual footage of the astronauts on the moon as part of the Apollo 11 mission.


Triple J: Why is Pluto not a planet?

Watch this clip and learn why Pluto was taken off the official list of planets. Dr Karl Kruszelnicki explains the three criteria that must be met before planets can be called planets. What are they?