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Listed under:  Mathematics  >  Statistics and probability  >  Statistical frequency

Conduct chance experiments: Year 5 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 5 is for the topic of Conduct chance experiments. Students conduct repeated chance experiments including those with and without equally likely outcomes. They then observe the outcome of their chance experiments, record data and describe the relative frequencies.


Probability calculations: Year 9 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 9 is for the topic of Probability calculations. Students build on their knowledge of probability, Venn diagrams, two-way tables and the terms ‘and’ and ‘or’ (inclusive or exclusive) in relation to events whereby relative frequencies may be calculated.


Two-up - The fairest game of all?

In this lesson, students look at the history and mathematics of Two-Up, exploring why it is considered such a fair game, and how the ‘boxer’ or game runner makes a profit. The lesson is outlined in detail including NSW curriculum links, learning intentions, discussion points, materials required, links to supporting videos ...


Possible outcomes: Year 6 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 6 is for the topic of Possible outcomes. Students represent the probability of an event occurring on a scale of zero to one as decimals, fractions or percentages.


Conduct chance experiments: Year 6 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 6 is for the topic of Conduct chance experiments. Students predict the frequency of an outcome of repeated chance experiments. They conduct simulations using digital tools to generate and record the outcomes, and observe the effect of many trials on the outcome. They then compare observed ...


Chances are!

Students calculate the sum of probabilities for a chance experiment and compare frequency predictions with actual data.


Possible outcomes: Year 5 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 5 is for the topic of Possible outcomes. Students list the possible outcomes of chance experiments involving equally likely outcomes and compare to those which are not equally likely.


How does gambling on the races work?

This lesson simulates the operation of a bookmaker to illustrate to students how easy it is to get swept up in the excitement of a race, and to show how the bookmakers are always coming out having made a profit. The lesson is outlined in detail including NSW curriculum links, learning intentions, discussion points, materials ...


Poker machines

In this lesson, students design a poker machine payout system which both guarantees a return of 85% of money invested, while also being fun and engaging for the player. Students then simulate these machines to test the ‘actual’ or real world payout of such machines, taking note of their feelings when playing. Ultimately, ...


Visualising data for a game of Kolap: Part 2

In this second of two lessons, students create a visual representation of the data collected and recorded while playing a First Nations Australian children’s instructive game of throwing skill called Kolap.



Graphs can be used to illustrate the relationship between two variables. Watch this fun animation from NASA to learn the basics of graphing.


ReSolve: Hot Streaks

This sequence of two lessons students investigate streaks in statistical data. They develop tests for randomness in order to distinguish between random and non-random results and use their understanding of randomness to investigate the existence or otherwise of the 'hot streak' phenomenon in basketball. Each lesson is outlined ...


reSolve: Scrabble Stats

This sequence of lessons invites students to collect data about letter frequency in a variety of text sources. They use their findings to critically evaluate letter point values in Scrabble, compare them to historical values, create their own themed Scrabble point values and to decipher an encoded excerpt of text. Each ...


Peg + Cat: Sort the recycling

Peg, Cat and her neighbour Lady Viv sort and recycle junk left behind in the field. Not only does this clip show how important recycling is it also can be used to discuss organising information and graphing.


MathXplosion, Ep 33: On the grid

Explore graphs, grids and mapping with a focus on reading and writing location data using coordinate geometry. Grids and maps illustrate the concepts of parallel/perpendicular lines (axes or labelled number lines), ordered pairs and intersection points.


reSolve: Measurement - Jump!

In this sequence of two lessons, students investigate how far they can jump and explore the jumping distance of a range of animals. Students first estimate the distance they can jump, then undertake an investigation by jumping using a range of techniques. Class data is recorded and displayed and students compare their jumping ...


reSolve: Authentic Problems: Bottle Flipping

This sequence of four lessons explores fractions and statistical reasoning through conducting a series of fair tests to answer the question 'What fraction of a bottle needs to be filled with water to be the best for bottle flipping?'. The lessons focus on building understanding of fractions and collecting, organising and ...


reSolve: Statistics - Planning Playgrounds

This sequence of four lessons engages students in sorting, classifying, representing and interpreting data in order to plan a playground for their school or community. Students choose simple questions for a survey, gather responses and make simple inferences from their data. They then create picture graphs and explore how ...


reSolve: Statistics - Licorice Lines

This sequence of two lessons explores the concept of statistical variation. Students make licorice logs both by hand and by using a Play Doh machine. They record and compare the attributes of both types of licorice by plotting their findings and comparing the shapes of the two plots. Students are then challenged to produce ...


reSolve: Authentic Problems: Target Ball

This sequence of four lessons explores the relationship between an informal unit of measure and what is being measured using the context of designing a game of 'Target Ball'. Students work in groups to collect data on how far their chose ball rolls, using a cut-out foot as an informal unit of measure. They represent and ...