F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
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Join Catalyst reporter Anja Taylor as she visits the Jemez Mountains in New Mexico and discovers the impacts of recent megafires on the landscape there. What is a megafire? And how is a megafire different from a regular wildfire? How have recent fires permanently transformed the landscapes that Anja and Professor Craig ...
The two short videos in this series highlight the value of Hattah Lakes and the importance of ensuring that sufficient water replenishes the lakes during dry times. The videos explain how dams and weirs upstream store flood water that would otherwise fill the lakes. A collaborative engineering project reduced the environmental ...
This nine minute video explores the importance of environmental flows to maintain the ecological health of the Barmah-Millewa Forest in the Murray Darling Basin. This forest is a RAMSAR site and an icon site of the Living Murray with great social, economic, cultural, environmental and spiritual significance. While the forest ...
Resources and information on water as a human right, global water equality, water management and water consumption, with a range of teacher resources for water education.
Queensland's iconic Gold Coast beaches experienced severe erosion as a result of wild weather in early 2013. The liveability of beachside homes in the area is under threat. See the local council's attempts to shore up the coastline and hear some questions being asked about the best way to protect the landscape. Where does ...
This is a downloadable fact sheet which aims to dispel popular myths about bushfires, with 13 myths grouped into three themes: learning about bushfires, preparing for bushfires and responding to bushfires. Each myth contains a brief description of evidence that discounts the particular misconception about bushfire safety. ...
This is a rich, multilayered resource about 35 protected Bush Heritage reserves throughout Australia. The resource includes a map of Australia that displays the locations of the 35 reserves. Each location is linked to important information and images including: quick facts; visiting information; the animals, plants and ...
This is an interactive resource containing a game, interactive simulations, detailed information and links to other useful information on bushfire readiness, including a downloadable fire plan. It consists of three sections - Fire risk, How a fire behaves and Fire safety - covering topics such as fire danger rating, radiant ...
This is a Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) web page about tropical cyclones. The resource explains what tropical cyclones are and includes a diagram showing the parts of Australia where they occur, indicating which months of the year each region is affected. It describes the impact of tropical cyclones on Australia, using Tropical ...
This teacher resource is a Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) web page containing a lesson plan on modelling tropical cyclones. The resource clearly sets out lesson objectives and provides detailed notes about the outcomes expected. It includes a link to in-depth background material on a tropical cyclone's life cycle and development ...
This is a web page consisting of an overview and two illustrations of practice on the GeogSpace website, a resource for teachers. The illustrations relate to the Geographical inquiry and Skills and the Geographical Knowledge and Understanding strands of the Australian Curriculum: Geography. In Illustration 1, year 7 students ...
This is a resource about the environmental, climatic, natural disaster and pest challenges faced during settlement in Australia. It includes details about land management techniques; extreme and unique weather conditions, including floods and droughts; bushfires; animal and plant pests; and water management. Text, images, ...
This is a web resource about water issues in Australia that provides a student activity accompanied by a teacher guide. The activity requires students to identify water issues that may affect Australia in the future, describe their possible effects and develop a presentation about these issues. A student worksheet provides ...
We all know the idyllic paradise called Bali, but have you ever heard of its poorer neighbour, the Indonesian island of Sumba, where the people struggle to grow food to eat? Watch this clip to learn about environmental conditions and agricultural challenges there. Find out also what people in Sumba are doing to prepare ...
This biodiversity learning resource guides students through an extended school based investigation. Students develop and implement a chosen sustainability action and then evaluate and reflect on their success and their learning.
This is a video about the mixed farming operations of Boonderoo Pastoral Company in South Australia. The farm is introduced by owner Lachie Seears who describes its size, family history and how region's Mediterranean climate allows him to diversify across a range of valuable commodities including Angus cattle, cross-breed ...
This resource guides students through an extended school-based or local investigation focussed on waste and materials using the five-step sustainability action process. The resource supports the investigation of a real-world issue or problem. Students develop and implement a chosen sustainability action and then evaluate ...
This sustainable transport learning resource will guide students through an extended school based investigation. Students will develop and implement a chosen sustainability action and then evaluate and reflect on their success and their learning.
This is website that presents a collection of digital stories about the connection people have with their surroundings, in particular the land. The resource has three sections: Introductory information; Story Objects; and Story Education Resources. There are 11 Story Objects, all videos that present personal stories of ...
This is a video about action for sustainability on the Willalooka Pastoral Company's property in South Australia. Owner Thyne McGregor describes the natural characteristics of the extensive property in terms of its rainfall, soil quality and the Marcollat Watercourse. He tells how the property was originally cleared for ...