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Listed under:  Mathematics  >  Geometry  >  Dimensions  >  Area  >  Surface area

In a spin

This resource is a web page containing a short task to explore volume of a solid shape. The task involves calculating the volume of the solid formed by rotating a right angled triangle about its hypotenuse A printable resource and solution is also available to support the task. This resource is an activity from the NRICH ...


reSolve: Tree Biomass

In this sequence of two lessons, students investigate how many trees would be required to supply paper for their school for a year. Students use similar triangles, Pythagoras' Theorem and algebra to design and construct a Biltmore stick, used to measure the diameter and height of a tree. They measure trees, calculate their ...


Exploring mysterious shapes

Join QuanQuan and Jenny as they explore some weird and wonderful shapes! While watching this clip, think about the sides, edges, surfaces and volumes of the shapes that are demonstrated. How are these shapes different from regular 2D and 3D forms?


Surface area of prisms

This is a five-page HTML resource about solving problems concerning surface areas of prisms. It contains one video and five questions, two of which are interactive. The resource discusses and explains solving problems involving determining surface areas of prisms to reinforce students' understanding.


Volume of a Pyramid and a Cone

This resource is a web page containing an investigative task to explore volume. Derive the formulae for the volumes of a square-based pyramid and a cone, using mathematical concepts. A printable resource is also available to support the task. This resource is an activity from the NRICH website.


Surface area and volume

This is an interactive resource about investigating the surface areas and volumes of rectangular and triangular prisms. The resource can be used in one of two modes. In the Explore mode, the student can vary the height, width and depth of the prism, and the surface area and volume are calculated automatically. In the Compute ...


TIMES Module 11: Measurement and Geometry: area, volume and surface area - teacher guide

This is a 15-page guide for teachers containing explanations of the derivation of formulas for the areas of parallelograms, trapeziums, rhombuses and kites. Formulas for the volumes and surface areas of prisms and cylinders are obtained. Applications of these formulas are given. A history of the development of these concepts ...


Laptop wrap: Under the surface

In this laptop-friendly resource, students consider the difference between volume and surface area before posing practical problems. They then consider issues relating to unit conversions and similar figures.


Surface area and volume of prisms and cylinders

This is a website designed for both teachers and students, which addresses the surface area and volume of prisms and cylinders from the Australian Curriculum for year 9 students. It contains material on calculating the surface area and volume of prisms and cylinders. There are pages for both teachers and students. The student ...


Giant hole: climb through a hole in a sheet of paper

This teaching resource outlines an activity for students to explore the relationship between the area and perimeter of a shape, by using a series of cuts in a piece of paper to create a hole large enough to step through. The resource includes detailed instructions for creating the cuts in the paper, an explanation of how ...


Volume and surface area: cylinders: Year 9 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 9 is for the topic of Volume and surface area: cylinders. Students calculate the surface area, volume and capacity of cylinders and solve related problems.


Volume and surface area: prisms: Year 9 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 9 is for the topic of Volume and surface area: prisms. Students solve problems involving the surface area and volume of right prisms.


Moon Goats (Geometric reasoning) - ABC Education

As a team, use your understanding of geometric reasoning to transform two-dimensional floor plans into three-dimensional pod houses. See how many unique houses you can build for the Moon Goats. Then, try the Budget Challenge to calculate the cost of different types of houses. Mathematical ideas and strategies this game ...


8M06A Area and surface area - Ochre Education

This seven lesson unit of work focuses on area and surface area. Students convert between area units, determine the area of trapezia, kites, and rhombi, determine lengths from areas and areas from lengths, determine the areas of circles and parts of circles, determine and estimate the areas of irregular and composite shapes ...


Volume and surface area: Year 10 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 10 is for the topic of Volume and surface area. Students extend their application of volume and surface area to solve problems on composite solids. Students will need to be able to visualise the individual elements of the composite solids and identify the areas where these elements touch.


Volume and surface area: Year 8 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 8 is for the topic of Volume and surface area. Students further develop their understanding of volume and capacity of right prisms by developing formulas, taking measurements and investigating, making approximations and solving problems in many contexts.


Work sample Year 9 Mathematics: Cylinder volume

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 9 Mathematics. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an authentic representation ...


A piece of cake

In this lesson, students build on their skills in finding volumes and surface areas of prisms and cylinders to design a multi-level celebration cake for a party. They use mathematical modelling to vary the size and shape of the component cakes and to calculate how much frosting is needed.


Secondary mathematics: using real data

These seven learning activities, which focus on the use of 'real data' using a variety of tools (software) and devices (hardware), illustrate the ways in which content, pedagogy and technology can be successfully and effectively integrated in order to promote learning. In the activities, teachers use the three content strands ...