F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
Your search returned 65 results
This lesson plan (PDF) examines the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art contained within the National Gallery of Australia collection. Links to artworks are provided to support students' critical analysis of the forms of each work of art and to understand the rich diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ...
This unit uses dance, drama, visual arts and music to communicate student-created safety messages. Using a community-based scenario, students devise an improvised drama and choreograph a dance to highlight the importance of safe track-side behaviours; they use artworks to explore the effect of colour before creating a cartoon-based ...
Tingalayo is a children's song from the Carribean that has many versions in Spanish-speaking and English-speaking cultures. The Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra have created a range of resources to explore and perform the song (in English and Spanish) in the classroom. Resources include a teacher's guide with differentiated ...
Tune in and tune up your acting skills with these fun drama warm up games that will strengthen you vocally, physically and imaginatively.
AFL songs are among the most widely recognised and popular pieces of music in Australia, sung proudly year after year. Would it surprise you to find out they’re rarely original? Discover the early 20th-century origins of most of Australia’s football chants and the stylistic features that make them so effective in energising ...
The Tiger Shark travels from the east to his country at the mouth of the Wearyan River on the Gulf coast of the Northern Territory. On his way he encounters the Rock Wallaby, who drives him from her country. The Rrumburriya clan of the Yanyuma people are the custodians of the Tiger Shark Dreaming. This story from the Yanyuwa ...
Get your clapping hands ready and join the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra as they play some music from the opera Carmen, by composer Bizet. Follow along with host Paul Rissmann and see if you can keep up with the orchestra! How does this piece of music make you feel? Why do you think it has that effect?
Sometimes we come across musical phrases that catch on like wildfire. With every repetition, these phrases take on more meaning. Listen closely for this jazz lick that has appeared in many forms throughout music history. What other popular musical phrases can you think of? What meanings do they carry, and what could you ...
The Wuyaliya and Mambaliya clans of the Yanyuwa people live on the Gulf Coast of the Northern Territory, in and around Borroloola. The Wuyaliya clan are custodians of the Chicken Hawk Dreaming, while the Crow Dreaming belongs to the Mambaliya. In this fast-moving animation, the Chicken Hawk and the Crow argue over water ...
Watch as Hannie Rayson describes her early desire to write multidimensional, complex roles for women in her plays. What was this in response to? Why is it important for audiences to see female characters as well as male characters driving drama in plays?
The Dreaming of the Sea Turtle and the Osprey (Wundanyuka kulu Jujuju) belongs to the Wurdalia clan of the Yanyuwa People, who live in and around Borroloola, near the Gulf of Carpentaria in the eastern Northern Territory. The story follows the Osprey, who pursues Sea Turtles in the islands of the southwest Gulf. Please ...
The story of the Dugong Hunters, or li-Maramaranja, belongs to the Rrumburriya clan of the Yanyuwa people, who live along the Gulf coast of the Northern Territory. In this story, the dugong hunter Jurruji encounters trouble when he falls into a crevasse on an island in the Gulf of Carpentaria. This story from the Yanyuwa ...
The Yanyuwa people of Manakurra are the custodians of the Tiger Shark Dreaming song line. Manakurra is situated at the mouth of the Wearyan River on the Gulf coast of the Northern Territory. In this stunning animation, the Tiger Shark swims into the waters of the Gulf of Carpentaria, singing dolphins, dugongs, manta rays, ...
The dance of the Brolga is one of the most graceful in the world. In this Dreaming story from the Mambaliya-Wawukarriya clan of the Yanyuwa people, the Brolga's dance is recreated in stunning animation. The Brolga travels through the country west of the Gulf of Carpentaria, creating plains, wells, trees and lagoons. This ...
How do you come up with ideas to write about? Watch this clip to find out how Australian playwright and screenwriter Hannie Rayson begins her writing process. She begins with a "big question" - if you were writing a play, what big question would you ask?
The Garrwa people live inland from the Gulf of Carpentaria, on either side of the border between the Northern Territory and Queensland. In this brief but beautiful animation, a Garrwa woman herds her pretty goats eastward.
In this spectaular animation, the Groper travels around South West Island in the Gulf of Carpentaria, close to the Northern Territory mainland. She visits different Dreaming countries while creating waterways, plantations and rock formations. The Groper's story belongs to the Wuyaliya clan of the Yanyuma people. This story ...
From Japanese drumming to African choirs, there is a wide world of music to be enjoyed beyond mainstream pop music in Australia. Music from one culture will often sound very different to music from another, using varied musical styles and instruments. Come along on a musical journey and explore the increasingly popular ...
Have you heard of the vibraphone? Learn all about this percussion instrument in this animation. What is it made of? How is it similar to other percussion instruments?
Do you like music? There are lots of different sorts of music and plenty of instruments to play it on. In this clip, watch and listen as an orchestra of young people perform well-known pieces of music. See if you can identify any of the instruments being played.