F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
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This is the first in a series of lessons to incorporate Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) into your General Purpose Programming. It follows on from the Visual To Text Coding lesson series.
This is the third in a series of lessons to incorporate graphical user interfaces (GUIs) into your general-purpose programming. The series follows on from the Visual to text coding lesson series.
This is the final project in a series of lessons to incorporate Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) into your General Purpose Programming. The series follows on from the Visual To Text Coding lesson series.
Students explore the design thinking process of ideation and reflect on different ways we can generate ideas in order to solve a problem with a design brief. This particular lesson explores healthy eating through the design brief although the activities can be used to ideate any design.
This sequence of lessons explores how conditions in the environment can impact on learning. Through investigating the environmental influences on our classroom, and learning environments such as light, noise and temperature, students collect data and identify the optimal learning environment.
As a general purpose programming language, python has a number of libraries that can be used for different purposes. PyGame is a free and open source python library that makes it easier to make multimedia applications like games.
This PDF gives educators an overview of what project management is and ideas on how they can implement project management skills in the F-6 classroom.
This PDF and accompanying cards provide suggestions for ways in which students can identify and explain digital systems in their environment. Students determine whether digital systems include inputs, outputs, or both, and whether they feature software, hardware or peripheral devices. The resource includes useful links ...
This article explores the challenges associated with using knowledge from different domains (and people) to work on a common problem, issue or puzzle. It acknowledges that the differences in how disciplines structure their knowledge raise challenges when working across disciplinary boundaries. The article identifies these ...
This PDF provides suggestions for teaching digital systems in the classroom. The resource includes useful links to websites that provide information about digital systems as well as relevant teaching and learning material.
This PDF provides a sequence of content for the Digital Technologies subject in the Australian Curriculum
This PDF suggests board and card games that are useful for exploring Digital Technologies key concepts and key ideas.
This video explains ways in which the Digital Technologies curriculum and the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) General Capability can be implemented in schools. This video is the last in a series of three.
This newsletter from the Digital Technologies in Focus project includes information about schools' projects, the Australian Curriculum, and useful resources.
This report reviews recent research literature in the areas of teacher capacity, integration of STEM disciplines, active learning and student engagement and participation to help inform the world of practice. The literature review was restricted to STEM practices in primary schools.
In this audio file teachers from Casino West PS share their experiences in developing a Digital Technologies program in the school, They chose to focus on creative and critical thinking.
Alyangula Area School is a government school located in Alyangula on Groote Eylandt, in the Northern Territory on the Traditional Lands of the Anindilyakwa People. Martin Levins is one of ACARA’s curriculum officers who works directly with the school to support the implementation of the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies. ...
Bethany Christian School is an independent school just north of Adelaide located in Paralowie, South Australia on the Traditional Lands of the Kaurna People. It is an F-6 school, with 543 students, and of those, approximately 48% are EAL/D. Steve Grant is the curriculum officer who works with the school to support implementation ...
This video explains the progress that Bethany Christian School has made in the Digital Technologies in Focus project. It is the second in a series of four.
This PDF outlines Green Hill Public School's proposal to participate in the Digital Technologies in Focus project.