F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
Your search returned 25 results
In this activity, students investigate the effects of volcanic activity, specifically in relation to pyroclastic flows. Students will use a real-world example to explore pyroclastic flow events, model and investigate the path most likely to be taken by flows, and develop a natural disaster management plan for villages likely ...
Join Catalyst reporter Anja Taylor as she visits the Jemez Mountains in New Mexico and discovers the impacts of recent megafires on the landscape there. What is a megafire? And how is a megafire different from a regular wildfire? How have recent fires permanently transformed the landscapes that Anja and Professor Craig ...
Considering the impact of a changing climate on the severity and frequency of fires is one thing, but how about the impact of fires on climate? Why does Professor David Bowman describe this scenario as a 'fire spiral'? What are the consequences of a world with fewer forests? As Professor Craig Allen explains, drought and ...
The tsunami lesson plan provides teachers and students, especially in remote coastal areas, with an opportunity to investigate how tsunami happen and how to stay safe if a tsunami occurs. The downloadable PDF includes lesson plans. student assignments based on case studies, as well as background information on tsunamis, ...
This is a downloadable task sheet that looks at the effect of weather on bushfires, with tasks such as analysing temperature tables, interpreting articles, and summarising information about weather conditions at the time of the Black Friday and Ash Wednesday bushfires. Students draw conclusions about the elements of weather ...
This is an online resource about current earthquake activity in Australia and the wider region. The resource provides a map and a satellite image of near real-time earthquake activity in the last seven days. Links on the map provide further details and information about individual earthquake events. The resource also contains ...
This is an online resource about volcanoes that provides important information about what a volcano is, describes the three most common volcanoes and explains hazards caused by volcanic eruptions. Links in the right-hand menu provide additional volcano-related resources including publications, a volcano library catalogue ...
This is an online resource about cyclones that provides a definition of a cyclone and information about winds, rainfall and storm surges during a cyclone. Links in the right-hand menu provide additional useful cyclone-related resources including weather and cyclone applications, publications and other related websites. ...
This is an online resource about farm fire safety containing two sections - Key advice for farmers and Essential steps before fire season - in point form, as well as a link to a downloadable PDF containing agricultural fire management guidelines. There is also a link to a resource on hay and fire safety. This resource is ...
This is an online resource about risk and impact analysis for geoscience hazards such as bushfire, cyclone, earthquake and severe weather conditions. It contains five sections: What is risk? What is exposure? What is vulnerability? How can we use risk models? and Difference between hazard and risk. Each section provides ...
This is an online resource about where landslides occur that contains two main sections. The first section, Where do landslides occur?, provides information about the types of landscapes that are prone to landslides, and landslide locations within Australia. The second section is located on the right-hand side of the screen ...
This is an interactive resource containing a game, interactive simulations, detailed information and links to other useful information on bushfire readiness, including a downloadable fire plan. It consists of three sections - Fire risk, How a fire behaves and Fire safety - covering topics such as fire danger rating, radiant ...
This is an illustrated PDF with comprehensive information about the causes and behaviours of bushfire as well as the impact fires have on natural and human environments. Taking a geographic perspective, the text is supported with photographs, maps, aerial photography, diagrams, and tables. Each chapter includes activities ...
This is an online resource about the causes of volcanoes, part of a larger resource about volcanoes. It includes sections on the Earth's tectonic plate margins spreading, the Earth's tectonic plate margins subducting, and predicting volcanic eruptions. The image at the top of the screen illustrates the inside workings of ...
This is an online resource with links to downloadable publications including brochures, guides, plans and fact sheets on fire safety and related topics. There are also links to reports and policies, documents in languages other than English, Brigade magazine and audio versions of summer fire-safety information. This resource ...
This is an online resource about floods that contains six main sections: Flood basics; Research reports - floods; National Flood Risk Information Report; Australian Flood Risk Information Portal; and Water observations from space. Each section provides important information, maps and images of floods in Australia. Links ...
This is an online resource about landslides that is part of a larger resource titled Landslide, and contains two main sections. The first section includes a description of a landslide, a description of various landslide processes and definitions of specific landslide terms. The second section is located on the right-hand ...
This is an online resource about where volcanoes occur, part of a larger resource about volcanoes. It provides: important information about the occurrence of volcanoes close to the Earth's tectonic plate boundaries; a map showing the Earth's tectonic plate boundaries; and, near the bottom of the screen, a link to a map ...
This resource is a Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) web page that provides warnings to the Australian community of tsunami threats to Australia's coastline and offshore territories. These warnings are issued by the Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre (JATWC) operated by Geoscience Australia and the Bureau. The resource shows ...
This resource is a joint Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) and Geoscience Australia media guide PDF designed to assist the media to communicate tsunami warnings to the Australian public. The resource explains the role of the Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre (JATWC) operated by Geoscience Australia and the Bureau. The resource ...