F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
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This planning resource for Foundation is for the topic of Direct and indirect comparisons. Students are introduced to measurement through direct comparison.
This lesson uses unit cubes and hollow objects to demonstrate the concept of volume and the units used.
Use this video as a springboard to explore volume of composite shapes, adjusting numbers to make calculations friendlier and draw on reasoning and mathematical modelling.
This planning resource for Year 2 is for the topic of Informal units. Students extend their understanding of uniform informal units to measure and compare the lengths, mass and capacities.
This planning resource for Year 8 is for the topic of Volume and surface area. Students further develop their understanding of volume and capacity of right prisms by developing formulas, taking measurements and investigating, making approximations and solving problems in many contexts.
This planning resource for Year 10 is for the topic of Volume and surface area. Students extend their application of volume and surface area to solve problems on composite solids. Students will need to be able to visualise the individual elements of the composite solids and identify the areas where these elements touch.
Students compare the spaces within containers.
Use this diagnostic task to assess what students know about volume and units to measure and compare volumes.
Use this diagnostic task to assess if students know about capacity and comparing containers based on how much they hold.
This planning resource for Year 9 is for the topic of Volume and surface area: cylinders. Students calculate the surface area, volume and capacity of cylinders and solve related problems.
This planning resource for Year 3 is for the topic of Metric units and using instruments. Students develop understanding and use of metric units to estimate, measure, order and compare objects according to their length, mass and capacity.
Students establish a mental image of one litre and measure the capacity of everyday containers using litres.
Examine the relationships between capacities of various containers. Look at three containers that may have different diameters, heights and shapes. Fill a container and squirt liquids between the containers to establish the proportional relationship. Work out the third 'unlinked' relationship from two known relationships. ...
This resource provides strategies for assessing aspects of the Digital Technologies subject in the Australian Curriculum that relate to data using contexts from other learning areas and General Capabilities, including Mathematics, Numeracy and Literacy. The resource includes an assessment planner and rubric, as well as ...
This lesson provides an authentic context to develop skills of estimation and measuring length. It provides an opportunity for students to connect decimal representations to the metric system and convert from centimetres to metres, and metres to kilometres. It also provides a context to investigate and become familiar with ...
Use this diagnostic task to assess a student's understanding of capacity and the calibrated scale on a measuring jug.
This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 9 Mathematics. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an authentic representation ...
In this lesson, students build on their skills in finding volumes and surface areas of prisms and cylinders to design a multi-level celebration cake for a party. They use mathematical modelling to vary the size and shape of the component cakes and to calculate how much frosting is needed.
What needs to be measured determines the unit of measurement– this unit introduces students to measurement using direct and indirect comparison.
This planning resource for Year 4 is for the topic of Metric units and using instruments. Students develop understanding and use of metric units to measure, order and compare objects according to length, mass and capacity. Introduce students to measuring temperature.