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Listed under:  Education  >  Learning  >  Learning skills  >  Writing skills

Writing in Health and Physical Education

This practice guide focuses on the types of sentences students should use in their writing in Health and Physical Education. It has been developed for secondary teachers of this learning area. This guide offers guidance for analysing and providing targeted feedback on your students’ sentence structure, grammar and punctuation. ...


Compound sentences

This guide provides clear grammatical definitions, and unpacks the features of compound sentences and how they function. It includes information about using conjunctions; coordinating conjunctions; using semicolons and common problems with compound sentences. The guide also offers, as a starting point, some strategies for ...


What is cohesion?

Cohesive devices are words and expressions that show relationships between parts of text and ideas, such as cause and effect, time, addition, or comparison and contrast. This webpage is designed for use by older students but it features a useful list of linking words that help join ideas and sentences that can be used by ...


Simple sentences: are not necessarily simple!

This guide is intended to provide a starting point for you to approach the teaching of writing in your classroom. It provides information about syntax; phrases and clauses; simple sentence structure and some common problems with sentences. This guide provides suggestions for teaching sentences in the classroom. It also ...


Using ‘signpost’ words and phrases

This guide explains the use of words and phrases that connect ideas into a logical argument and signal to the reader the structure of that argument. Find examples of specific words and phrases associated with the purpose: sequencing, adding an idea, generalising, introducing a fact; rephrasing and introducing a reason or proof.


Writing in Science

This practice guide focuses on the types of sentences students should use in their writing in Science. It has been developed for secondary teachers of this learning area. This guide offers guidance for analysing and providing targeted feedback on your students’ sentence structure, grammar and punctuation. Examples and teaching ...


How to write in plain English

This guide looks at the main ways to make writing clearer, including keeping sentences short, and use of active verbs. It explores the types of words that contribute to clarity and provides tips about the use of lists. The guide then deals with some of the myths that can get in the way of clear communication. The guide ...


How to write fiction that comes alive

This short video for students shares some vividly illustrated tips on how to use language to make your fiction really come alive using metaphors, sensory imagery, onomatopoeia and avoiding cliches.


Alison Lester – writing your own books

This twelve video resource contains video of author and illustrator Alison Lester guiding students to create, first a collaborative whole class book and second, an individual book using digital technologies. In each video Lester discusses aspects of her creative processes and the books she has written. Her books are aimed ...


Alice Pung

This resource is a series of videos featuring writer Alice Pung. She talks about how her Chinese-Cambodian background and her experiences growing up in the western suburbs of Melbourne inspired her to become a writer. Related resources and teaching notes are included.


Writing a feature article

The resource contains information, activities and tasks on how to write a feature article. It includes writing and publishing templates for students for a print and online contexts. This resource supports the Australian Curriculum in English K–10.


Writing a multimedia review

The resource contains information, activities and tasks on how to write a review of a multimodal text, a website and a computer game. It includes writing and presenting templates for students for a variety of purposes and contexts. This resource supports the Australian Curriculum in English K–10.


Getting ready for work

This resource contains information, activities and tasks on how to write job applications, develop your interview skills and enhance your phone application skills. It includes writing templates and proformas for students for a variety of workplace contexts. This resource supports the Australian Curriculum in English K–10.


Writing an exposition

The resource contains information, activities and tasks on how to write an exposition or argument. It includes writing and publishing templates for students for a variety of purposes and contexts. This resource supports the Australian Curriculum in English K–10.


Youth Theatre (unit)

Youth theatre is a unit resource with three self-contained and independent resources for English and drama students. The unit focuses on the play 48 Shades of Brown, adapted from Nick Earls' award winning novel. It examines the themes, issues, setting, characters and language of the play. It also examines the staging of ...


Bear and Chook by the Sea

This learning object is designed around a series of videos with Lisa Shanahan, author, and Emma Quay, illustrator, including a reading experience of their collaborative work, Bear and Chook by the Sea. Taken as a whole, this sequence of lessons is a Stage 1 unit of work that results in students working in pairs to produce ...


Samuel Wagan Watson

This sequence of videos is an interactive resource for Stage 4/5 English and or Stage 4/5 Aboriginal Studies. It assists students to develop knowledge and understanding about Indigenous cultures of Australia. Students will respond to the poet, his texts, and at least one other Aboriginal poet, as well as composing at least ...


Writing a discussion

The resource contains information, activities and tasks on how to write a discussion. It includes writing and publishing templates for students for a variety of purposes and contexts. This resource supports the Australian Curriculum in English K–10.


Writing a review - book and film

The resource contains Information, activities and tasks on how to write a review of a book and film. It includes writing and presenting templates for students for a variety of purposes and contexts. This resource supports the Australian Curriculum in English K–10.


Exploring short stories - The Necklace

This short story resource features a short story by Guy de Maupassant. Students look at the structure and narrative features as they listen to the story. Language focus includes direct and indirect speech and character development through dialogue. Students compose alternative endings and write a script using the free software, ...