Teacher guide Tackling disability discrimination in sport

TLF ID M018193

This is a unit of work about disability discrimination in sport. It explores: the concept of disability rights and how to make sports more inclusive; the barriers people with disabilities face when participating in some sports; the role of the Australian Human Rights Commission in disability complaints in sport; participation in a modified game of sport; and prominent athletes with a disability. The resource includes: an introduction; a focus, six lessons, learning outcomes, links to the Australian Curriculum and resources. The resource is produced by the Australian Human Rights Commission.

Educational details

Educational value
  • This is a very useful resource for the year 9 and 10 Health and Physical Education curriculum. It is particularly relevant for the content description referring to the role physical activity, outdoor recreation and sport play in the lives of Australians and how this has changed over time. Lesson 5 is particularly relevant here, providing an opportunity for learners to investigate how participation in sports by people with disabilities has changed over time. The resource is also very useful for the content description referring to performing and refining specialised movement skills in challenging movement situations. Lesson 6 is relevant here, it involves learners in modifying and participating in a sport that is more inclusive for people with a disability. This resource is also useful for the content descriptions referring to: factors that shape identities and how individuals can impact the identities of others; the behaviours and factors that influence the health and wellbeing of communities; and how fair play and ethical behaviour can influence the outcomes of movement activities. Lessons 1, 2, 3 and 4 all provide information relevant information here including information about the role of the Australian Human Rights Commission in sport issues involving disability discrimation. This resource is useful in supporting the personal and social capability of valuing diversity and promoting inclusivity. The lessons and activities included within the resource enable students to learn about the barriers that people with disabilities experience, develop a good understanding of disability rights, equality and the importance of inclusion within sports. It focuses on developing empathy and respect for people with disabilities and the positive impact that inclusivity in sport has on the health and wellbeing of individuals and the wider community. Students will learn about the important role that the Human Rights Commission plays in promoting fairness and ethical behaviour and challenging discrimination.
Year level

9; 10

Other details

  • Contributor
  • Name: Education Services Australia
  • Organization: Education Services Australia
  • Description: Data manager
  • Address: VIC, AUSTRALIA
  • URL: http://www.esa.edu.au/
  • Copyright Holder
  • Name: Australian Human Rights Commission
  • Organization: Australian Human Rights Commission
  • URL: http://www.humanrights.gov.au/
  • Publisher
  • Name: Australian Human Rights Commission
  • Organization: Australian Human Rights Commission
  • Description: Publisher
  • URL: http://www.humanrights.gov.au/
  • Resource metadata contributed by
  • Name: Education Services Australia Ltd
  • Organisation: Education Services Australia Ltd
  • Address: AUSTRALIA
  • URL: www.esa.edu.au
Access profile
  • Unknown
Learning Resource Type
  • Online
  • © Australian Human Rights Commission 2014. With the exception of the Australian Human Rights Commission logo, photographs and images, and any content provided by third parties, material presented in this publication is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia licence.