Teacher guide reSolve: Authentic Problems: What's For Lunch?

TLF ID M024882

This sequence of four lessons invites students to investigate how many of a chosen food item are eaten at their school in a year. Students identify the mathematical knowledge they need to find how many of the selected items they eat in a year and devise a plan to find the total number, using grouping, partitioning and repeated addition strategies. They share strategies and methods and reach consensus about the most efficient strategies to use. Each lesson is outlined in detail including curriculum links, vocabulary, materials needed, sample answers, discussion points and student resources. This sequence is part of the reSolve: Maths by Inquiry special topic 'Authentic Problems'.

Educational details

Educational value
  • This resource is extremely valuable for the Number and place value substrand in year 2 mathematics. Students build understanding of multiplication as repeated addition and develop strategies for calculating large numbers. They partition and combine numbers and are encouraged to model with concrete materials to make connections with the steps involved in answering the inquiry question.
  • This resource is also of value for the year 2 content descriptions about collecting, classifying and checking data. Students list the items in their lunch box, compare their lists within a small group and categorise the items.
  • The resource is also valuable for supporting the Numeracy general capability. The lessons provide opportunities for students to model, represent, order and use numbers in a real context and to collect and describe data on a relevant issue based on one variable and display as lists, tables or picture graphs.
  • This resource is also of pedagogical value as it supports teachers in building an inquiry-focused learning environment with authentic application of mathematical skills and understandings. The unit uses a learning and teaching model with four phases: Discover, Devise, Develop and Defend. The unit aims to develop content knowledge as well as assisting students to understand the process of inquiry.
Year level


Other details

  • Contributor
  • Name: Education Services Australia
  • Organization: Education Services Australia
  • Description: Data manager
  • Address: VIC, AUSTRALIA
  • URL: http://www.esa.edu.au/
  • Copyright Holder
  • Name: Australian Government Department of Education and Training
  • Organization: Australian Government Department of Education and Training
  • Publisher
  • Name: Australian Academy of Science
  • Organization: Australian Academy of Science
  • Description: Publisher
  • URL: https://www.science.org.au/
  • Resource metadata contributed by
  • Name: Education Services Australia Ltd
  • Organisation: Education Services Australia Ltd
  • Address: AUSTRALIA
  • URL: www.esa.edu.au
Access profile
  • Unknown
Learning Resource Type
  • Online
  • © Australian Government Department of Education and Training 2018. Unless otherwise indicated, this material may be used in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence.