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Due to scheduled maintenance on Thursday 16th January 2024 between 5.00 pm until 7.00 pm AEDT, Scootle may face a disruption in service. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
See how effective comedy is in communicating ideas and engaging an audience. Good performances will have moments of humour and seriousness in order to provide variety and interest in the stories being told.
This resource addresses the Drama 7-10 Syllabus:
4.1.1: explore the elements of drama to create belief and clarity in character, role, situation and action.
5.2.1: apply acting and performance techniques expressively and collaboratively to communicate dramatic meaning.
5.2.3: use a variety of dramatic forms, performance styles, dramatic techniques, theatrical conventions and technologies to create dramatic meaning.
5.3.1: respond and and reflect on and evaluates elements of drama, dramatic forms, performance styles, dramatic techniques and theatrical conventions.