Discover the dramatic form and acting styles of melodrama through the exploration of stock characters and how to act in a melodrama style with large emotions and gestures. Perform various characters through a scripted performance.
This resource addresses the Drama 7-10 Syllabus:
4.1.1: identifies and explores the elements of drama to develop belief and clarity in character, role, situation and action.
4.1.3: devises and enacts drama using scripted and unscripted material.
4.2.1: uses performance skills to communicate dramatic meaning.
4.2.3: explores and uses aspects of dramatic forms, performance styles, theatrical conventions and technologies to create dramatic meaning.
5.1.1: manipulates the elements of drama to create belief, clarity and tension in character, role, situation and action.
5.1.3: devises, interprets and enacts drama using scripted and unscripted material or text.
5.2.1: applies acting and performance techniques expressively and collaboratively to communicate dramatic meaning.
5.2.3: employs a variety of dramatic forms, performance styles, dramatic techniques, theatrical conventions and technologies to create dramatic meaning.