Super stories
The Sea Cave
Nouns and adjectives
Have you been told your role here?
You're going to be my editor. Your
job is to read through some of the
new stories we want to publish and
make them more exciting.
You're going to be my editor. Your
job is to read through some of the
new stories we want to publish and
make them more exciting.
Some of our stories are a little … dull.
It's your task to make the text and illustrations in them more vivid and engaging.
It's your task to make the text and illustrations in them more vivid and engaging.
Here's one of our stories. It's a horror story that should be really gripping, but some parts of the story are a bit flat.
Read it and see what you think.
Read it and see what you think.
Here's one of our stories. It's a horror story that should be really gripping, but some parts of the story are a bit flat.
Read it and see what you think.
Read it and see what you think.
Gasping for breath, Amy broke the surface of the water and found herself in a cave.
She was completely exhausted after being swept out to sea and had been battling desperately to find her way back to the place from which she'd set out.
She was completely exhausted after being swept out to sea and had been battling desperately to find her way back to the place from which she'd set out.
Here's one of our stories. It's a horror story that should be really gripping, but some parts of the story are a bit flat.
Read it and see what you think.
Read it and see what you think.
In the light from the mouth of the cave, she could see the roof above her and the water lapping against the rocky sides. Huge spikes hung from above.
Wearily, Amy struggled over to a narrow stretch of sand on one side of the cave and pulled herself out of the icy water.
Wearily, Amy struggled over to a narrow stretch of sand on one side of the cave and pulled herself out of the icy water.
Here's one of our stories. It's a horror story that should be really gripping, but some parts of the story are a bit flat.
Read it and see what you think.
Read it and see what you think.
Suddenly the surface of the water began to ripple. Astonished, Amy saw a thing appear stealthily from the water's depths.
Long and sinuous like a snake, but much thicker in the body, it was covered with shiny, black scales. As it threateningly lifted its head, Amy saw two green eyes glaring at her.
Long and sinuous like a snake, but much thicker in the body, it was covered with shiny, black scales. As it threateningly lifted its head, Amy saw two green eyes glaring at her.
Here's one of our stories. It's a horror story that should be really gripping, but some parts of the story are a bit flat.
Read it and see what you think.
Read it and see what you think.
For a moment, Amy sat mesmerised. Then, as she cautiously backed away from the water's edge, the thing rose up out of the dark and lunged towards her, its mouth open to reveal rows of razor-sharp teeth.
Horrified, Amy turned and fled frantically into the darkness of the cave.
Horrified, Amy turned and fled frantically into the darkness of the cave.
Here's one of our stories. It's a horror story that should be really gripping, but some parts of the story are a bit flat.
Read it and see what you think.
Read it and see what you think.
Stumbling over rocks and stones, she scrambled deeper into the cave. Suddenly she saw a tiny spot in the distance, which grew larger as she drew nearer.
Finally, Amy emerged into the sunlight and found herself standing at the foot of the cliff. Then, behind her, she heard the thing roar.
Finally, Amy emerged into the sunlight and found herself standing at the foot of the cliff. Then, behind her, she heard the thing roar.
As you can see, it's not bad. There's some good scary action, but the descriptions could be much better. Some of the nouns and adjectives need changing. That's where you come in.
Let's begin.
Let's begin.
Nouns are words that name people, places and things. Nouns tell us what the story is about, who's in it and where they are.
'Man' is a noun – so are 'house', 'door' and 'path'. We can choose nouns that tell our readers how we want them to think about something.
'Man' is a noun – so are 'house', 'door' and 'path'. We can choose nouns that tell our readers how we want them to think about something.
Here's an example.
Look at how the choice of nouns below changes how the reader thinks about who or what is involved in this scene. One choice is much more scarier than the other.
Look at how the choice of nouns below changes how the reader thinks about who or what is involved in this scene. One choice is much more scarier than the other.
′A fish was coming towards
the swimmers.′
the swimmers.′
′A shark was coming towards
the swimmers.′
the swimmers.′
Select a noun to edit it.
Gasping for breath, Amy broke the surface of the water and found herself in a .
She was completely exhausted after being swept out to sea and had been battling desperately to find her way back to the from which she'd set out.
She was completely exhausted after being swept out to sea and had been battling desperately to find her way back to the from which she'd set out.
Select a noun to edit it.
In the from the mouth of the cave, she could see the roof above her and the water lapping against the rocky . Huge hung from above.
Wearily, Amy struggled over to a narrow stretch of sand on one side of the cave and pulled herself out of the icy water.
Wearily, Amy struggled over to a narrow stretch of sand on one side of the cave and pulled herself out of the icy water.
Select a noun to edit it.
Suddenly the surface of the water began to ripple. Astonished, Amy saw a appear stealthily from the water's depths.
Long and sinuous like a but much thicker in the body, it was covered with shiny, black scales. As it threateningly lifted its head, Amy saw two green eyes glaring at her.
Long and sinuous like a but much thicker in the body, it was covered with shiny, black scales. As it threateningly lifted its head, Amy saw two green eyes glaring at her.
Select a noun to edit it.
For a moment, Amy sat mesmerised. Then, as she cautiously backed away from the water's edge, the rose up out of the and lunged towards her, it's open to reveal rows of razor-sharp teeth.
Horrified, Amy turned and fled frantically into the darkness of the cave.
Horrified, Amy turned and fled frantically into the darkness of the cave.
Select a noun to edit it.
Stumbling over rocks and sharp stones, she scrambled deeper into the cave. Suddenly she saw a tiny in the distance, which grew larger as she drew nearer.
Finally Amy emerged into the sunlight and found herself standing at the foot of the cliff. Then, behind her, she heard the roar.
Finally Amy emerged into the sunlight and found herself standing at the foot of the cliff. Then, behind her, she heard the roar.
Congratulations! That's all of the nouns completed. That certainly sounds a lot better!
Select Next to go to the next task.
Select Next to go to the next task.
Adjectives are linked to nouns to
tell more about them. 'Happy' is
an adjective – so are 'red', 'large'
and 'terrifying'.
We can choose adjectives to describe what something or someone looks or sounds like. We can also show our opinions of people and things with adjectives.
tell more about them. 'Happy' is
an adjective – so are 'red', 'large'
and 'terrifying'.
We can choose adjectives to describe what something or someone looks or sounds like. We can also show our opinions of people and things with adjectives.
Here's an example.
Look at how the choice of adjectives below changes how the reader thinks about what's happening in this scene.
Look at how the choice of adjectives below changes how the reader thinks about what's happening in this scene.
′A friendly dog ran up to
the fence.′
the fence.′
′A vicious dog ran up to
the fence.′
the fence.′
Select an adjective to edit it.
Gasping for breath, Amy broke the surface of the water and found herself in a cavern.
She was completely exhausted after being swept out to sea and had been battling desperately to find her way back to the beach from which she'd set out.
She was completely exhausted after being swept out to sea and had been battling desperately to find her way back to the beach from which she'd set out.
Select an adjective to edit it.
In the glow from the mouth of the cave, she could see the roof above her and water lapping against the rocky walls. Huge stalactites hung from above.
Wearily, Amy struggled over to a narrow stretch of sand on one side of the cave and pulled herself out of the icy water.
Wearily, Amy struggled over to a narrow stretch of sand on one side of the cave and pulled herself out of the icy water.
Select an adjective to edit it.
Suddenly the surface of the water began to ripple. Astonished, Amy saw a shape appear stealthily from the water's depths.
Long and sinuous like a serpent, but much thicker in the body, it was covered with shiny, black scales. As it threateningly lifted its head, Amy saw two green eyes glaring at her.
Long and sinuous like a serpent, but much thicker in the body, it was covered with shiny, black scales. As it threateningly lifted its head, Amy saw two green eyes glaring at her.
Select an adjective to edit it.
For a moment, Amy sat mesmerised. Then, as she cautiously backed away from the water's edge, the creature rose up out of the murkiness and lunged towards her, its jaws open to reveal rows of razor-sharp teeth.
Horrified, Amy turned and fled frantically into the darkness of the cave.
Horrified, Amy turned and fled frantically into the darkness of the cave.
Select an adjective to edit it.
Stumbling over rocks and stones, she scrambled deeper into the cave. Suddenly she saw a tiny light in the distance, which grew larger as she drew nearer.
Finally, Amy emerged into the sunlight and found herself standing at the foot of the cliff. Then, behind her, she heard the beast roar.
Finally, Amy emerged into the sunlight and found herself standing at the foot of the cliff. Then, behind her, she heard the beast roar.
Congratulations! That's all of the adjectives completed. Your changes have made the story much more scary and tense.
Select Next to go to the next task.
Select Next to go to the next task.
The last part of the story I'd like you to work on are the illustrations.
So … what makes a good illustration?
So … what makes a good illustration?
Illustrations need to be dynamic and help tell the story.
Sometimes illustrations exactly represent the words in the story. Or they can show things the words don't say, so you get more out of a story.
Sometimes illustrations exactly represent the words in the story. Or they can show things the words don't say, so you get more out of a story.
Here's an example.
Look at how the choice of illustration below changes the reader's image of what's happening in the story.
Look at how the choice of illustration below changes the reader's image of what's happening in the story.
Poor illustration
Good illustration
'The terrifying shark was thrashing violently towards the unfortunate swimmers'.
Select an illustration from the Gallery to try it on the page.
Select Check when you have chosen the illustration you want to use.
Select Check when you have chosen the illustration you want to use.
Gasping for breath, Amy broke the surface of the freezing water and found herself in a vast cavern.
She was completely exhausted after being swept out to sea and had been battling desperately to find her way back to the beach from which she'd set out.
She was completely exhausted after being swept out to sea and had been battling desperately to find her way back to the beach from which she'd set out.
That's not the best choice.
Look for an illustration that makes the mansion and garden look overgrown and creepy.
Select an illustration from the Gallery to try it on the page.
Select Check when you have chosen the illustration you want to use.
Select Check when you have chosen the illustration you want to use.
In the faint glow from the mouth of the cave, she could see the roof above her and the dark water lapping against the rocky walls. Huge dripping stalactites hung from above.
Wearily, Amy struggled over to a narrow stretch of sand on one side of the cave and pulled herself out of the icy water.
Wearily, Amy struggled over to a narrow stretch of sand on one side of the cave and pulled herself out of the icy water.
That's not the best choice.
Look for an illustration that makes the mansion and garden look overgrown and creepy.
Select an illustration from the Gallery to try it on the page.
Select Check when you have chosen the illustration you want to use.
Select Check when you have chosen the illustration you want to use.
Suddenly the surface of the water began to ripple. Astonished, Amy saw a murky shape appear stealthily from the water's depths.
Long and sinuous like a serpent but much thicker in the body, it was covered with shiny, black scales. As it threateningly lifted its enormous head, Amy saw two sinister green eyes glaring at her.
Long and sinuous like a serpent but much thicker in the body, it was covered with shiny, black scales. As it threateningly lifted its enormous head, Amy saw two sinister green eyes glaring at her.
That's not the best choice.
Look for an illustration that makes the mansion and garden look overgrown and creepy.
Select an illustration from the Gallery to try it on the page.
Select Check when you have chosen the illustration you want to use.
Select Check when you have chosen the illustration you want to use.
For a moment, Amy sat mesmerised. Then, as she cautiously backed away from the water's edge, the extraordinary creature rose up out of the murkiness and lunged towards her, its gaping jaws open to reveal rows of razor-sharp teeth.
Horrified, Amy turned and fled frantically into the deep darkness of the cave.
Horrified, Amy turned and fled frantically into the deep darkness of the cave.
That's not the best choice.
Look for an illustration that makes the mansion and garden look overgrown and creepy.
Select an illustration from the Gallery to try it on the page.
Select Check when you have chosen the illustration you want to use.
Select Check when you have chosen the illustration you want to use.
Stumbling over rocks and sharp stones, she scrambled deeper into the terrifying cave. Suddenly she saw a tiny light in the distance, which grew larger as she drew nearer.
Finally, Amy emerged into the blinding sunlight and found herself standing at the foot of the cliff. Then, behind her, she heard the beast roar.
Finally, Amy emerged into the blinding sunlight and found herself standing at the foot of the cliff. Then, behind her, she heard the beast roar.
That's not the best choice.
Look for an illustration that makes the mansion and garden look overgrown and creepy.
Congratulations! You've chosen illustrations that really highlight the horror of this story.
The book is now finished!
The book is now finished!
You've learned how to make a story tense and exciting by choosing effective nouns, adjectives and illustrations.
You can use this knowledge to improve all your stories.
You can use this knowledge to improve all your stories.
Thanks for your help. I think it'll be a bestseller!
You can read or print your finished story, or select Worksheet to print out a different story that needs some work on its nouns and adjectives.
You can read or print your finished story, or select Worksheet to print out a different story that needs some work on its nouns and adjectives.
Gasping for breath, Amy broke the surface of the freezing water and found herself in a vast cavern.
She was completely exhausted after being swept out to sea and had been battling desperately to find her way back to the beach from which she'd set out.
She was completely exhausted after being swept out to sea and had been battling desperately to find her way back to the beach from which she'd set out.
In the faint glow from the mouth of the cave, she could see the roof above her and the dark water lapping against the rocky walls. Huge dripping stalactites hung from above.
Wearily, Amy struggled over to a narrow stretch of sand on one side of the cave and pulled herself out of the icy water.
Wearily, Amy struggled over to a narrow stretch of sand on one side of the cave and pulled herself out of the icy water.
Suddenly the surface of the water began to ripple. Astonished, Amy saw a murky shape appear stealthily from the water's depths.
Long and sinuous like a serpent, but much thicker in the body, it was covered with shiny, black scales. As it threateningly lifted its enormous head, Amy saw two sinister green eyes glaring at her.
Long and sinuous like a serpent, but much thicker in the body, it was covered with shiny, black scales. As it threateningly lifted its enormous head, Amy saw two sinister green eyes glaring at her.
For a moment, Amy sat mesmerised. Then, as she cautiously backed away from the water's edge, the extraordinary creature rose up out of the murkiness and lunged towards her, its gaping jaws open to reveal rows of razor-sharp teeth.
Horrified, Amy turned and fled frantically into the deep darkness of the cave.
Horrified, Amy turned and fled frantically into the deep darkness of the cave.
Stumbling over rocks and sharp stones, she scrambled deeper into the terrifying cave. Suddenly she saw a tiny light in the distance, which grew larger as she drew nearer.
Finally, Amy emerged into the blinding sunlight and found herself standing at the foot of the cliff. Then, behind her, she heard the beast roar.
Finally, Amy emerged into the blinding sunlight and found herself standing at the foot of the cliff. Then, behind her, she heard the beast roar.