This is a watercolour measuring 15.9 cm x 24.3 cm showing yellowed pasture backed by gum trees. A herd of cows with calves is grazing both in the foreground fields and the background timber. A small hill, part of the Challicum Hills, rises from the trees on the right. The artist, Duncan Cooper, included this painting as the twelfth watercolour in his field sketchbook and inscribed the title 'Panorama of Challicum, No. IV' on its mount. The watercolour is the fourth of nine panoramas which together form a cyclorama of the Challicum area.
Copyright | Reproduced courtesy of National Library of Australia |
Creator | Duncan Cooper, artist |
Identifiers | National Library of Australia number nla.pic-an2681017
TLF resource R3258 |
Source | National Library of Australia, |