Italian / Year 9 and 10 / Communicating meaning in Italian / Mediating meaning in and between languages

Curriculum content descriptions

apply strategies to interpret and translate non-verbal, spoken and written interactions and texts to convey meaning and intercultural understanding in familiar and unfamiliar contexts (AC9LIT10EC05)

  • translating and discussing idiomatic expressions in both Italian and English, for example, Non vedo l’ora! (I can’t wait!), Era ora! (finally! it was about time!), Lasciami stare! (leave me alone!), Ma dai! (come on!), Tocca ferro (touch wood)

  • exploring, expanding and consolidating word usage using online applications relating to idioms, proverbs, sayings and set phrases
  • comparing different translations of the same message in Italian and English, for example, Devo scappare/andare/correre can be translated as “I must/have to run/go” or “I got to run/go”

  • analysing the appropriateness of language choices for a given context and purpose according to age, relationship and gender, for example, the context of use for phrases such as non mi va as compared to non mi piace

  • comparing different translations of a text, including versions created by online translators, and discussing any issues that emerge
  • using print and digital dictionaries, selecting appropriate meaning from alternatives provided and comparing translations with peers, explaining cultural references and expressions such as fuori (literally ‘outside’; ‘out of your mind’) or su di giri (literally ‘revved up’; ‘excitable, elated’) and any aspects ‘lost in translation’

  • translating texts (public signs, etc.) and explaining choices in different renderings such as Non calpestare l’erba (Keep off the grass, Don’t walk on the lawn, Don’t trample the grass)

General capabilities
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural Understanding
ScOT terms

Nonverbal communication,  Cultural contexts,  Cultural interaction,  Italian language

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