Arabic / Year 7 and 8 / Communicating / Informing

Curriculum content descriptions

Listen to, read and view a range of spoken, written and multimodal texts; identify, sequence and classify key points of information such as details about people and events; and use the information in new ways

[Key concepts: information, text; Key processes: listening, reading, viewing, locating, transposing]


  • listening to and viewing texts such as stories, songs, notices or video clips and identifying key points of information, using intonation and visual cues such as gestures and facial expressions to assist understanding
  • identifying letters, words and phrases in written Arabic, for example, titles, labels and captions
  • participating in shared reading of print and digital texts such as short stories or other texts relating to familiar events and contexts, using pictures, intonation and contextual cues to predict meaning and identify key information
  • locating and sequencing information used to describe people and events, for example,

    البنت تدرس؛ الولد يساعد أمه؛ الأب ينظف الحديقة؛ في الصباح أمي تحضر الفطور؛ في المساء أبي ينظف السيارة

  • responding to questions that elicit details such as colour, quantity and place about participants and objects, for example,

    ما لون الفستان ؟ لون الفستان أحمر؛ ما لون المقلمة؟ لون المقلمة أحمر

    كم عدد الأقلام؟ كم كتابا يوجد هنا؟ يوجد أربعة كتب

    أين تعمل أمك؟ تعمل أمي في المستشفى؛ يدرس أخي في المدرسة

  • classifying and categorising information gained from others, such as favourite foods and places to visit, for example,

    سالم يحب التبولة؛ عادل يحب الدجاج؛ سعاد تفضل الخضار؛ علي يحب كرة القدم؛ ماجد يفضل السباحة؛ رامي يفضل العزف على الغيتار

    تحب البنات الموسيقى بينما الأولاد يحبون الرياضة

  • listening to short spoken texts with unfamiliar language, and identifying specific details, for example, the name and number on a recorded voice message


    إسمي سهام

    اود التكلم مع سامر بخصوص الإمتحان

    أرجو الإتصال بي على الرقم 0456566777

  • gathering information about other peers’ activities through conducting interviews about weekend activities and selecting specific information to use in a short report
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Numeracy Numeracy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural understanding
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
  • ICT capability Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
ScOT terms

Informative texts,  Themes (Texts),  Arabic language

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