Arabic / Foundation to Year 2 / Communicating / Socialising

Curriculum content descriptions

Engage in guided group activities and transactions such as playing games, role-playing, singing and dancing, and communicate ideas, using movement, gestures and pictures to support meaning

[Key concepts: play, performance, action learning; Key processes: active listening, speaking, giving and following instructions]


  • participating in group activities by singing, chanting and performing actions
  • engaging in simple transactions in role-plays, such as making requests using من فضلك؛ أقدر أن , and expressing thanks, for example

    شكراً؛ شكراً جزيلاً

  • following instructions such as ضع يدك على رأسك؛ أغمض عينيك؛ أنظر إلي؛ إرفع يدك for a variety of language games
  • providing simple information about familiar objects and people, using pictures and crafts to support communication, for example,

    طاولة صغيرة؛ قلم رصاص؛ تلميذ شاطر؛ معلم جيد؛ شجرة كبيرة؛ بيت واسع؛ بنت جميلة؛ أمي طيبة؛ أبي حنون

General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural understanding
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
ScOT terms

Listening,  Instructions,  Arabic language,  Action learning

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