Chinese / Year 7 and 8 / Communicating / Reflecting

Curriculum content descriptions

Reflect on adjustments they and others make in their everyday language use, and connect these adjustments to aspects of experience, culture and roles in Australian society

[Key concepts: bilingualism, identity, community, belonging, culture shock; Key processes: reflecting, adjusting, analysing]


  • reflecting on how meanings of certain words are understood in different ways, for example, the different implications of using the term 他的店很肮脏
  • exploring multiple aspects of the concept of ‘identity’ by contrasting ‘individuality’ (个体) with ‘collective identity’ (集体)
  • identifying how their knowledge of Chinese and English opens up opportunities to expand their own world views
  • discussing experiences of ‘returning to home country’ (回国) and how they feel about the lifestyle and practices of their old home
  • reflecting on how their sense of being Chinese is influenced by their experience of living in Australia, for example, by maintaining a journal or blog
  • identifying features of communication in Chinese that are interpreted differently when applied in English communication, for example, examining how adjusting from a tonal language to English sometimes results in miscommunication of emotion or a perception of being abrupt
  • examining and reflecting on interactions that did not achieve their desired goal, and identifying strategies to enhance the effectiveness of their communication with others
  • reflecting on the challenges of addressing cultural assumptions and stereotyping when discussing aspects of life in Australia, for example, 有的澳大利亚人说到中国人就会说中国人怎么怎么样...,难道一个中国人做的事情就代表了所有的中国人么?
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural understanding
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
  • ICT capability Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
ScOT terms

Cultural interaction,  Etiquette,  Multilingualism,  Chinese languages

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