French / Year 5 and 6 / Understanding / Language variation and change

Curriculum content descriptions

Understand that language is used differently in different contexts and situations

[Key concepts: language, identity, culture, context; Key processes: observing, comparing, analysing, explaining]


  • explaining why speakers use French differently in different situations (for example, in the classroom and in the playground), among different groups (for example, girls/boys, young people/older people) and in different relationships, for example, close friends or strangers
  • understanding the importance of using appropriate forms of address when interacting with different people, for example, using tu when speaking with close friends, family members or other young people, and using vous for other adults
  • reflecting on the use of colloquial or abbreviated language by young people in informal, written and technologically mediated contexts (for example, G for j’ai and pa for pas in text messages), as well as the use of borrowed words from other languages (for example, ciao, cool, super), hybrid terms (for example, allez-bye!) or verb contractions in informal spoken language, for example, chais pas for je ne sais pas
  • considering own and others’ ways of communicating with different people in different contexts
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural understanding
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
ScOT terms

Cultural interaction,  Register (Language),  French language

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