Framework for Aboriginal Languages and Torres Strait Islander Languages / Year 3 to 6 / Communicating / Socialising

Curriculum content descriptions

Plan and participate in collaborative activities and events, negotiating and performing different roles and responsibilities that are appropriate to local cultural traditions

[Key concepts: collaboration, experience, shared decision making; Key processes: making arrangements, designing, making, planning, suggesting, negotiating]


  • participating with Elders/community members in local cultural traditions and activities, such as, tracking, hunting, gathering and preparing food, looking for schools of fish, searching for honey ants, digging soakages, using hand signs as appropriate
  • following instructions from Elders, for example, cooking bush tucker, making different traditional tools, weaving baskets, collecting beans or shells to make necklaces, making bush shampoo, recording, remembering and explaining the processes to younger students
  • collecting resources used for cultural practices in the bush under supervision of Elders, for example, oil, greases, ochre, feathers
  • planning and negotiating roles for a class event, such as a cook-up, class display or performance, making a short video or presenting a school-assembly item, planning and conducting an interview with a special class guest
  • working together on collaborative tasks that involve negotiation and shared decision-making about content and design, for example, designing posters or menus for special events, designing a class garden, creating picture books for ‘buddy’ classes
  • working together to design posters or web pages to promote a school or community event
  • conducting, recording and presenting observations and findings of collaborative science experiments, for example, monitoring the movement of cane toads
  • working with visual, print and digital modes of expression to create texts such as invitations to/programs for a class performance or event, for example, a reading night
  • collaborating to design an item such as a language flag, artefact or logo that incorporates elements of importance to the language community
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural understanding
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
Cross-curriculum priorities
ScOT terms

Australian languages

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