Japanese / Year 9 and 10 / Understanding / Language variation and change

Curriculum content descriptions

Analyse variations in language use that reflect different social and cultural contexts, purposes and relationships

[Key concepts: (うち)/(そと), respect, social relations, variation, register; Key processes: selecting, applying, comparing, evaluating]


  • applying an understanding of Japanese values such as respect ((うち)/(そと)) by making appropriate language choices, for example, using ご/お prefixes, and plain or polite forms, and recognising characteristics of formal/informal registers
  • evaluating how language choices reflect social relations and priorities, such as using expressions that deflect praise of self or own family to show modesty, for example, 日本語がじょうずですね。いいえ、ぜんぜん。
  • noticing differences in text structure and grammar between formal and informal Japanese language use, such as abbreviations, dropping of particles and emphatic intonation in informal communication such as face-to-face interactions, blogs, emails and other forms of correspondence, for example, あした行く?/先生、あした行きますか。うん、わかった。/はい、わかりました。それは何?/山中(やまなか)さん、それは何ですか。
  • comparing verbal and non-verbal elements of communication in different languages and cultural contexts, such as ways of disagreeing or responding to thanks, or the use of gestures, facial expressions or あいづち/silence
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural understanding
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
  • ICT capability Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
  • Ethical understanding Ethical understanding
ScOT terms

Language usage,  Japanese language

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