Korean / Foundation to Year 2 / Understanding / Systems of language

Curriculum content descriptions

Recognise some basic features of the Korean grammatical system, such as the verb- final rule, the sentence-final –요,and notice chunks in which a noun or pronoun is combined with a case marker as part of a sentence

[Key concepts: wordorder, politeness; Key processes: noticing, selecting]


  • recognising –요 at the end of a sentence through its repetitive use in sentences such as 따라하세요 and 안녕하세요?
  • noticing that the Korean copula alternates between two forms (–이에요 and –예요) and using it with own names, for example, 마이클이에요/매튜예요
  • understanding that 저 is used to refer to the self
  • identifying a structure where a noun ora pronoun is followed by a basic case marker such as –은/는, –이/가 and –을/를 (for example, 저는) as a chunk which has asyntactic function in a sentence
  • understanding how to make a simple question using a basicquestion word, for example, 뭐 좋아해요?
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
ScOT terms

Korean language,  Verb-final rule

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