Spanish / Year 9 and 10 / Understanding / Language variation and change

Curriculum content descriptions

Recognise that Spanish is used in a variety of ways to achieve different purposes in different contexts

[Key concepts: formality, register, context; Key processes: observing, comparing, analysing]


  • identifying levels of formality in spoken and written texts, and considering what these convey about social relationships and processes, for example, reflections of status, authority, respect or intimacy (Disculpe, ¿podría decirme ..., Perdone que le interrumpa, ... Me gustaría invitarte a mi boda, ¡oye tío, he conocido a una tía guay!, eres el amor de mi vida)
  • comparing spoken and written forms of familiar types of texts and language functions, for example, verbal and written apologies or oral storytelling and written reports, noticing differences in grammatical, expressive and textual features
  • recognising that language is used differently to achieve different purposes, for example, the use of contractions, emoticons and acronyms in text messages for the purposes of speed and economy; and the use of slang, specialised or inclusive language to establish shared interest or identity
  • recognising how grammatical and vocabulary choices shade meaning and establish register, for example, the use of formal or informal pronouns (usted, ustedes/ tú, vosotros/as), the use of forms of address (don Juan, doña Pepa, señor Martínez, señoras y señores, damas y caballeros, Pedro y Sonia) and the use of abbreviations and slang (mi cole es guay)
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural understanding
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
ScOT terms

Spanish language

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