Spanish / Year 3 and 4 / Understanding / Systems of language

Curriculum content descriptions

Experiment with Spanish pronunciation, intonation and spelling rules, including patterns associated with questions and statements

[Key concepts: intonation, spelling, accent; Key processes: discriminating sounds, recognising words]


  • playing games such as Word Bingo with more difficult sounds, for example, the letter c in camino/coco compared to cero/cifra
  • learning to recognise the silent h as in hamaca, ahora and almohada and in loan words such as hotel
  • recognising and using different intonation for statements, commands, exclamations and questions, for example, Rosa va a la escuela; ¿Rosa va a la escuela?; ¡Vamos todos! ¡Ay, ay, ay!
  • extrapolating from familiar sounds and contexts to spell new words, for example, predicting how to spell Pablo having learnt the spelling of hablo
  • understanding that an accent may change the meaning of the word, for example, and tu, papa and papá
  • noticing the function of accents in relation to stress and pronunciation, for example, café, teléfono, árbol
  • applying punctuation and capitalisation rules when writing, such as not capitalising days of the week, months of the year or nationalities
  • understanding that some letters blend to make single sounds, such as GU in seguimos or QU in queso
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
ScOT terms

Spanish language

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