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People and Places

Through this geographical inquiry process, students will examine a range of places at the national scale, the reasons people visit places, and factors affecting peoples’ access to places. Students will also analyse their personal connections to places they visit.


Creating an Indigenous plant-use garden: plant list

For thousands of years, First Nations peoples across Australia have been growing and cultivating plants. Plants are grown for many different purposes, including food, tools, medicine, shelter, clothing, hunting, carrying, water craft, ceremony and land management. Everything they needed to survive is provided by the bush. ...


Overview of assessment for phonics knowledge and skills

This document helps teachers create an assessment schedule that includes all the early phonics-related skills necessary for reading and spelling development from Foundation to Year 2.


Phonics lesson student worksheet: Spelling generalisation for letter-sound correspondences ai and ay

This worksheet is for independent student practice of concepts taught in the phonics lesson on the ai ay spelling pattern.


Student learning support

This webpage provides information and resources to support teachers to target specific student learning needs and create an inclusive classroom. It discusses differentiation and inclusion.


Morphology lesson student worksheet: -ing suffix double the final consonant

This worksheet for independent student practice accompanies the morphology lesson slides for when to double the final consonant when adding the -ing suffix.


Additive strategies: Video and teaching guide

This video explores the use of computation strategies, rounding and estimation in real-world, additive situations. Use the video with the supporting teacher guide as a springboard to explore mathematical concepts. A range of strategies such as compensation and partitioning are demonstrated. Estimation and rounding are highlighted ...


The Simple View of Reading and the year 1 Phonics Check

This document explains the Simple View of Reading. It gives teachers a framework to map student strengths and areas of need with the two key factors required for reading comprehension: word recognition (decoding) and language comprehension.


Focus on Indonesia: Cross Curriculum Connections in Primary Schools

Ideas and resources that connect the learning of Indonesian language with other learning areas.


Visual to text coding: Lesson 3

This is the third in a series of lessons to transition from visual coding to text-based coding with a general-purpose programming language. This lesson may take two to three 45-minute periods. It introduces how to generate and use random numbers.


AI and image recognition

This lesson builds on How can an AI recognise what is sees? It focuses on image recognition that involves feature extraction, object detection and classification, and introduces the idea that computers store and use data using 0s and 1s.


Number sequence: Foundation – planning tool

This planning resource for Foundation is for the topic of Number sequence. Students establish foundational ideas and skills in number. There is a focus on subitising – instantly recognising and naming the number of objects in small collections of up to 5 (without counting).


Addition and subtraction: Foundation – planning tool

This planning resource for Foundation is for the topic of addition and subtraction. Students begin to appreciate patterns that occur around them. They learn to recognise, copy and continue different repeating patterns and observe natural patterns in the world around them.


Repeating and growing patterns: Foundation – planning tool

This planning resource for Foundation is for the topic of Repeating and growing patterns. Students begin to appreciate patterns that occur around them. They learn to recognise, copy and continue different repeating patterns and observe natural patterns in the world around them.


Direct and indirect comparisons: Foundation – planning tool

This planning resource for Foundation is for the topic of Direct and indirect comparisons. Students are introduced to measurement through direct comparison.


Position and location: Foundation – planning tool

This planning resource for Foundation is for the topic of Position and location. Students are becoming familiar with using common words for describing position and location of an object.


Number sequence: Year 1 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 1 is for the topic of Number sequence. Students work towards being able to recognise, represent and order numbers up to 120. They use partitioning and various counting processes to make sense of and represent numbers in different ways.


Addition and subtraction: Year 1 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 1 is for the topic of Addition and subtraction. Students build upon the foundations of additive thinking. They draw upon part-part-whole understanding of numbers to 10 as they explore addition and subtraction within 20.


Repeating and growing patterns: Year 1 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 1 is for the topic of Repeating and growing patterns. Students begin to appreciate patterns that occur around them. They learn to recognise, copy and continue different repeating patterns and observe natural patterns in the world around them.


Shapes and objects: Year 1 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 1 is for the topic of Shapes and objects. Students compare and classify the properties of common shapes found in the classroom, home or local environment.