Drama / Year 3 and 4 / Exploring and responding

Curriculum content descriptions

explore where, why and how drama is created and/or performed across cultures, times, places and/or other contexts (AC9ADR4E01)

  • listening to actors in a drama created for purposes such as entertainment or infotainment talk about how they developed their character and what they found interesting or surprising about the imaginary world they created; then considering and discussing the actors’ responses
  • comparing the expectations and requirements of performers and audience in a range of cultural settings, such as cultural settings in Australia and Asia, and applying this learning in their own performances; for example, identifying how the audience and performers interact and what knowledge the audience needs to have about the drama
  • reflecting on live or recorded drama performances and asking questions such as “What is the purpose of this drama?”, “What features and ideas in the drama come from other cultures, times and places?”, “How could we use these ideas in our drama?”, “Why do you think people from diverse cultures create drama for similar purposes?”
  • examining drama in their community and comparing it to other drama of different people, times and cultures; for example, exploring examples of puppetry and/or physical (movement-based) theatre in their communities and comparing this with examples of those forms from other cultures, times or places
  • reflecting on and sharing ideas with others about the meaning and intended purposes of their own drama; for example, sharing embodied responses using movement, gesture or language
General capabilities
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural Understanding
  • Literacy Literacy
ScOT terms

Culture,  Drama (Arts),  Cultural contexts,  Devised drama


Join the circus

Learn about different circus skills and create a short performance.


Puppet masters

Create and experiment with puppets made out of paper!


TrackSAFE Education Primary School Resources: Year 3, Year 4 The Arts

This unit uses various arts practices as the stimuli for exploring the safety message of Stop, Look, Listen, Think. Students create woven artworks to incorporate safety messages; they collaboratively develop a play about safety; and explore rap as a music form and combined with dance convey a safety message in a performance.


Blast off! Life in space - teacher resource

This teacher resource is a comprehensive sequence of teacher ideas and student activities that support the arts curriculum in drama and dance, using ideas about space exploration, the universe and the life of an astronaut as stimulus. It includes a link to the video 'Blast off with NASA astronaut Rex Walheim'. This video ...


Puppet Pals HD

This is a free application for the iPad that focuses on creating plays using a library of eight animated fairytale characters and five background scenes. It features video, audio and a record function, as well as the ability to import background scenes from personal photo libraries, create actors from photos, and save, ...


Koorie Cross-Curricular Protocols for Victorian Government Schools

The Koorie Cross-Curricular Protocols for Victorian Government Schools are applicable to schools intending to develop activities that involve the use of Koorie cultural expressions, including stories, songs, instrumental music, dances, plays, ceremonies, rituals, performances, symbols, drawings, designs, paintings, poetry, ...


Australian collection

This database features a selection of Australian artworks from QAGOMA. The searchable database provides artwork images, background information about the artist and the artwork, classroom activities, a glossary of key terms and curriculum alignment information for teachers. Search results can be refined by theme, period, ...


Indigenous Australian collection

This federated search from the QAGOMA database features a selection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artworks from the collection. The searchable database provides artwork images, background information about the artist and the artwork, a map of major Indigenous regions in Australia, classroom activities, a glossary ...