English / Year 2 / Literacy / Phonic and word knowledge

Curriculum content descriptions

use phoneme–grapheme (sound–letter/s) matches, including vowel digraphs, less common long vowel patterns, consonant clusters and silent letters when reading and writing words of one or more syllables, including compound words (AC9E2LY10)

  • reading words with digraphs where one letter is not pronounced; for example, “knife” and “thumb”, when reading and using them in writing
  • providing the sounds for less common letter–sound matches; for example, “ight”, and using them in writing
  • reading words with vowel digraphs (“ee”, “oo”, “ai”, “ay”, “ea”)
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
ScOT terms

Reading,  Phonemes,  Spelling

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Spelling generalisations and SSP: Q&A

This video (22 mins 31 seconds) addresses questions from teachers and school leaders about spelling generalisations and systematic synthetic phonics (SSP).


Teaching syllable types: Two syllable words - emu words, galah words and turtle words

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Teaching syllable types: Two syllable words with a VC/CV pattern - wombat words

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Teaching syllable types: Open and closed syllables in one syllable words

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Introduction to teaching syllable types

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Teaching spelling generalisations: Eat bread - multiple sounds of ea

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Teaching spelling generalisations: Gentle Cindy - soft g and soft c

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Planning resources

This webpage provides information on how to scope specific literacy content, and to plan what to teach and how to teach it. It provides links to further information and quality resources to support teacher planning.


Phonics lesson slides: Syllable division: two-syllable words with a VC/CV pattern

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Assessment and intervention for an SSP approach: Q&A

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Data analysis for 1:1 instruction (Tier 3)

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Data analysis for small group instruction (Tier 2)

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Data analysis for whole-class instruction (Tier 1)

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Using data to inform instruction

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Demonstration of a phonics lesson

This video provides a demonstration of a phonics lesson using explicit instruction principles. It is presented by literacy specialists Elaine Stanley and Rebecca McEwan.