English / Year 6 / Language / Language for expressing and developing ideas

Curriculum content descriptions

identify authors’ use of vivid, emotive vocabulary, such as metaphors, similes, personification, idioms, imagery and hyperbole (AC9E6LA08)

  • exploring how figurative language; for example, metaphors, personification and idioms, can be used to create vivid and less predictable shades of meaning
  • identifying authors’ use of vivid and emotive vocabulary in persuasive texts; for example, the vocabulary used in reviews
  • discussing texts, using vocabulary to name text structure, literary devices and language features; for example, using words that name the literary device used in a poem
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
ScOT terms

Literary devices


Varying openings

Use this worksheet to discuss the directions in which a story might go depending on what the opening sentence is.


Words in Art

This lesson can be used to help develop writing skills, particularly writing for an audience with a lower reading age and/or to begin an investigation into posters, slogans and campaigns.


Elements of Fables

What are the key elements of a fable? In this teaching activity, students will improvise scenarios found in fables. They will identify the key elements of a fable and describe the author’s use of personification. Examples of fables are included in the unit.


Black Cockatoo: Unit of work

This unit of work has been written to support the story Black Cockatoo. The story follows Mia, a young Aboriginal girl as she explores the fragile connections of family and culture. This unit provides practical teaching ideas, assessment tasks, and suggestions about how students might deepen understandings of Aboriginal ...


Bindi: Unit of work

This unit of work has been written to support the story Bindi. The novel explores explore themes of climate, bushfires, Aboriginal history and healing. This unit provides practical teaching ideas, suggestions about how students might respond creatively to the text and assessment opportunities.


Work sample Year 6 English: Responding to the news - Letter to the Editor

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 6 English. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an authentic representation of ...


Syllabus bites: types of sentences

A web page resource with information, teacher guides and activities on types of sentences to support the Australian Curriculum in English K–10. It has detailed activities, links to resources and quizzes.


Syllabus bites: Visual literacy

A resource with information, study guides and resources on visual literacy to support the English K-10 Australian Curriculum in English. It provides a series of activities, guidelines and tasks about visual texts from a variety of sources. Contains writing scaffolds, templates and proformas for responding and composing ...


Point of view: witness reports

Read and listen to three witness reports of a skateboard crash. Notice that each report presents a different point of view. Look at a model report to see how past tense verbs and opinion adjectives shape the point of view in a text. Build reports by choosing verbs and adverbs to reflect each witness's point of view. Include ...


Panchatantra: the lion and the rabbit

This is a folk story titled The lion and the rabbit from the Panchatantra, a book that contains a collection of South Asian folk stories dating back at least 2,000 years. The message of the story is that intelligence is power. The story is eight web pages in length and includes text, illustrations, arrows at the top of ...


Cats, Dogs and Us: Education pack (years 5-6)

This education pack is an International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) resource designed to build students' understanding about the special place domestic cats and dogs have in people's lives. The pack consists of a teaching guide, a student magazine and five student worksheets focusing on topics such as the physical characteristics ...


Andy Griffiths' tips for writing funny stories

Watch this video and learn how to write funny stories with tips from Andy Griffiths! What does he say is a good starting point? Why don't you try writing a story about a time something embarrassing happened to you? What does Andy say is the key to getting readers to enjoy your story and have a laugh?


Rebecca Lim's spooky themes

Do you enjoy reading spooky stories? Listen to Rebecca Lim as she describes how her half-memories, reading experiences and imagination come together to inspire her.


English concepts: Visual Representation Posters

These posters are designed to support students in a range of year levels to understand the textual concepts in English. Find posters that define genre, intertextuality, literary value, style, character development, imagery and many others. They have been designed to initiate discussion, challenge thinking, and deepen understanding. ...


Core Concepts in English

The videos, posters and support information on this set of webpages support students from a range of year levels to understand the textual concepts in English. Find posters and student-friendly videos that define genre, intertextuality, literary value, style, character development, imagery and many others. They have been ...


The ad campaign

This learning sequence invites students to analyse the 'Dumb Ways to Die' advertising campaign and how the key messages are communicated to the audience. Students then design a new iteration of the Dumb Ways to Die campaign, that could engage a young audience and provide messages about travel safety not covered by the original ...


Snapseed - Google Play app

Retouch, adjust perspective and re-edit your photos with this photoediting tool. Free when reviewed 26/5/2015


Perspectives on Kamay

This resource explores the perspectives of the Aboriginal people of Kamay Botany Bay and the men aboard the HMB Endeavour upon their meeting in 1770. It will also help students to understand the history of Australia's Aboriginal peoples and why their stories of the past are equally important to hear. Note to Aboriginal ...


TrackSAFE Education Primary School Resources: Year 5 and Year 6 English

This unit of work focuses on the influences that impact on safe behaviours in and around tracks, platforms and trains. Guided activities build students' rail safety vocabulary including grammar and word building. Modelled writing activities support students to shape a research-based inquiry investigating factors that impact ...


What is spec fic? Rebecca Lim explains

Have you heard of the term 'spec fic'? What is speculative fiction? If you're interested in reading some, why not find out more about the books that Rebecca Lim refers to.