English / Year 7 / Literacy / Creating texts

Curriculum content descriptions

plan, create, edit and publish written and multimodal texts, selecting subject matter, and using text structures, language features, literary devices and visual features as appropriate to convey information, ideas and opinions in ways that may be imaginative, reflective, informative, persuasive and/or analytical (AC9E7LY06)

  • compiling a portfolio of texts in a range of modes related to a particular concept, purpose or audience; for example, a class anthology of poems or stories
  • using appropriate text conventions to create scripts for interviews, presentations, advertisements, radio segments, podcasts, digital and online reflections including vlogs
  • editing for meaning by removing unnecessary repetition, reordering sentences and varying sentence structures to refine ideas, adding or substituting words for impact, and reviewing accuracy of grammar, spelling and punctuation
  • tracking a word-processed document to jointly edit texts
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
ScOT terms

Editing,  Creating texts,  Language conventions


How to write a ‘how-to’

In this step-by-step guide, students will learn about the “how to” genre with examples drawn from the New York Times. They will use writing prompts to come up with a task they’d like to explain; find and interview an expert; then edit what they have into a clear and interesting explanation.


142 Picture Prompts to Inspire Student Writing

Find a year’s worth of short, accessible, image-driven posts that invite a variety of kinds of writing.


Writing in Science

This practice guide focuses on the types of sentences students should use in their writing in Science. It has been developed for secondary teachers of this learning area. This guide offers guidance for analysing and providing targeted feedback on your students’ sentence structure, grammar and punctuation. Examples and teaching ...


Writing in Health and Physical Education

This practice guide focuses on the types of sentences students should use in their writing in Health and Physical Education. It has been developed for secondary teachers of this learning area. This guide offers guidance for analysing and providing targeted feedback on your students’ sentence structure, grammar and punctuation. ...


Imaginative Writing

This workshop from Seven Stories can be used to start an imaginative writing session with a class. The process demonstrated in the short videos provides a useful way into children mining their own memories for imaginative writing.


Animation - Pixilation

Pixilation is a technique which uses people and everyday objects in a frame-by-frame animation. The nine short films in this resource show the key stages of a pixilation animation workshop with primary school students. This workshop is led by the class themselves using equipment that is likely to exist in most schools. ...


Showing a Movie in Class? Help Your Students Develop Active Viewing Skills

Use this lesson plan and worksheet to help your students practice their active viewing skills and to structure a film review, regardless of the film that they are viewing.


Book Review Writing

This guide is designed to help students to develop skills in terms of evaluating text. A series of questions guides students through sections about structure, content, judgement of characters and their actions and how to express opinions about a book.


Cut Out Animation

Cut Out Animation is an animation technique which uses materials such as paper, card, or photographs to create flat characters and scenes. This step by step guide explains all the stages of making a cut out animated film. Video clips provide advice on making cut out characters for animation, and how to animate using a camera, ...


Image and Text: Creative Lesson Plans for Personal Storytelling

Students learn about how photographers work with images and text with a goal to inspire students to use text—whether captions or longer prose or poetic pieces—to enlarge upon the story in an image.


Game design: Level 1

Designed for students who have had little to no experience making a videogame, they begin by thinking critically about games and the elements that work to facilitate a quality game experience. They then explore game mechanics, narrative, 2D game artwork, coding, Chiptune music and the area of testing and improvement.


Ancient Rome: Daily life and trade

This unit includes two separate tasks, a student investigation around daily life and a separate focus on trade in Ancient Rome. Students are guided in completing an investigation and creating a non-fiction picture book for an 8-10 year old audience, with an associated reflection task.


Seeing through a text

In this learning sequence, students explore how visual texts are constructed to position the reader. They investigate how the codes and conventions of visual forms are used to communicate ideas, issues and experiences. Students respond analytically and creatively to a range of visual texts, exploring and experimenting with ...


Crafting character

This sample learning sequence explores the concept of character as well as the impact of point of view. Students will learn how character, first person point of view, events and setting are combined within the short story form to create a narrative that reflects particular values. Students explore how figurative language, ...


Are you talking to me?

This unit is designed to be the initial learning unit in English in Year 7. It uses a novel as the basis for learning resilience strategies to assist students in coping with change and with bullying. The recommended text used in this unit is the novel Samurai kids: white crane, but many of the activities could be adapted ...


47 Degrees: Unit of work

This unit of work has been written to support 47 Degrees, an account of the experiences of writer Justin D'Ath during the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria. Explore themes of belonging, bravery, community, grief, resilience and the environment. This unit provides practical teaching ideas and an assessment task


Vampyre: Unit of work

This unit of work has been written to support the picture story book Vampyre. The book is told from the point of view of a vampire who is entering young adulthood with the responsibilities that come at that time in life. It shows the struggle to be an individual and find your identity. This unit provides practical teaching ...


Work sample Year 7 English: Picture book

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 7 English. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an authentic representation of ...


A Field Guide to Being a 12-Year-Old Girl

This resource supports the film A Field Guide to Being a 12-Year-Old Girl which documents the lives of twelve 12-year old girls. It can be used to explore ideas and representations of identity. It can also be used to unpack the director’s intention to make a film that walks the ‘line of fact and fiction’.


Code and conventions in cartoons

This unit supports students to read and interpret a cartoon, and understand the codes and conventions that cartoonists use to make meaning. They also explore how cartoons reflect the views of cartoonists, and create their own cartoon in response to the unit. The activities use a blended approach and contain synchronous ...