English / Year 8 / Language / Language for interacting with others

Curriculum content descriptions

understand how layers of meaning can be created when evaluating by using literary devices such as simile and metaphor (AC9E8LA02)

  • identifying how authors use rhetorical devices that reveal the dark or serious aspects of a topic in humorous or amusing ways; for example, by making a statement but implying or meaning the opposite (irony), exaggerating or overstating something (hyperbole), imitating or mocking something (parody), and making something appear less serious than it really is (understatement)
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
ScOT terms

Literary devices,  Attitudes


What’s your brand?

This resource provides a PowerPoint slide presentation with discussion questions. Students explore how online activities can contribute to their digital brand, they identify strategies for building and maintaining a positive digital brand. Students then identify strategies and support to change a damaged brand.


Work sample Year 8 English: Creative responses to a poem

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 8 English. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an authentic representation of ...


Syllabus bites: types of sentences

A web page resource with information, teacher guides and activities on types of sentences to support the Australian Curriculum in English K–10. It has detailed activities, links to resources and quizzes.


Persuasive Language

This PDF provides a valuable reference guide and teaching and learning resource for students and teachers on the purpose, features and influence of written and visual persuasive texts. The text provides the reader with information on the techniques employed in creating persuasive texts including appealing to emotions through ...


Heywire: Persuade me to make a difference

Can Matt Dombrovski encourage you to be a donor or a volunteer? Test his powers of persuasion in this Heywire audio story, and hear about his own experience of donating something. Could you write or record a similar story about yourself and/or your community? The ABC's Heywire competition calls for stories from 16-22 year ...


Creating a picture book

This resource focuses on how to create a picture book, including information, links and activities. This resource supports the Australian Curriculum in English K–10.



This resource is for Stage 3, Stage 4 and Stage 5 and introduces the purpose and features of cartoons. It includes information slides showing examples of different types of cartoons and interactive questions to test students' understanding of the content covered.


Visual humour

This resource focuses on how humour is created in images, films and multimodal texts. It includes activities and reading strategies to support the analysis and understanding of the processes of visual humour in texts. This resource supports the Australian Curriculum in English K–10.


Radio National: What makes a great speech?

Did you know that making a speech in public is rated as one of most people's greatest fears? There is however an art to making a great speech. Listen as Don Watson speech-writer for the former Prime minister Paul Keating, Michael Gurr playwright and speech-writer, and Ted Widmer foreign policy speech writer for former US ...


Analysing Persuasive Language

This resource for students is a comprehensive explanation of how to analyse a persuasive article, from how to identify the contention and tone, to how persuasive techniques are used to position the reader. Techniques discussed, with examples, include the use of adjectives, adverbs, alliteration, appeals, anecdotes, everyday ...


Descriptive Writing

Here are some techniques for students to use to make their writing more vivid and interesting, including metaphors, similes, personification, adjectives and sensory imagery. This resource also includes a descriptive writing activity, as well as a short test on the techniques.


Different views

This resource will encourage students to develop their understanding of the first contact of the Aboriginal people of Kamay Botany Bay and the men aboard the HMB Endeavour in 1770. This resource is one part of the 'Endeavour – eight days in Kamay' resource.


Tom Keneally and 1960s Australia

Have you heard of the 1967 Referendum, Vincent Lingiari or the Freedom Ride? The late 1960s was a period of great social upheaval with many young Australians unhappy with the treatement of Indigenous Australians and with Australia's involvement in the Vietnam War. How effective is Thomas Keneally's parallel between the ...


Radio National: Noongar people speak about a sense of place

Some places hold special importance for us. Many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have a very strong sense of connection to their ancestral lands. They are important elements of their history and culture. In this audio clip, listen to two Noongar speakers talk about their connection to place.


Marvellous mechanisms

Students develop skills in how to use mechanisms in a debate.


Rebecca Lim's spooky themes

Do you enjoy reading spooky stories? Listen to Rebecca Lim as she describes how her half-memories, reading experiences and imagination come together to inspire her.


Heywire: Tension in the air

In this Heywire audio story, explore how Marguerite Donaldson builds tension as she recounts a nerve-wracking incident that happened while she was flying one day. Find out what this incident has revealed to her and how she shares her thoughts. Could you write or record a similar story about yourself and/or your community? ...


Deep diving into definitions

Explore definitions in debating from the negative team's perspective.


Hannie Rayson on the Australian voice in theatre

How important do you think it is to hear Australian stories told on stage? Listen as Hannie Rayson explains her early beliefs about where great drama comes from. After watching this clip, try writing a dramatic scene that takes place at a family barbeque.


Creating Avatars

The resource provides advice and help for students to create avatars as visual representation for a variety of publications. This resource supports the Australian Curriculum in English K–10.