Civics and Citizenship 7-10 / Year 7 / Knowledge and understanding / Government and democracy

Curriculum content descriptions

the key features of Australia's system of government, including democracy, the Australian Constitution, responsible government and federalism (AC9HC7K01)

  • describing Australia’s system of responsible and representative government set out in the Australian Constitution, with a focus on the roles of the Governor-General, the Senate and the House of Representatives, the Prime Minister and Cabinet, the Opposition and the members of parliament
  • explaining the origins of the Australian system of government by acknowledging the aspects of the Westminster and Washington systems in the overall model of Australia’s Federation
  • exploring key democratic concepts, including popular sovereignty, representation, accountability and a partial separation of powers through the election of members of a legislative branch who answer to the people and from whom the executive branch is drawn
  • investigating Australia as a federation with a division of powers and responsibilities between Commonwealth and state/territory governments
General capabilities
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Ethical understanding Ethical understanding
ScOT terms

Constitutions,  Hydrofluorocarbons,  Separation of powers


Civics and citizenship: posters and infographics

This webpage hosts a range of visual resources including posters about the Magna Carta, the separation of powers, various forms of government, check and balances and others.


Civics and Citizenship

This resource supports the National Assessment Program Civics and Citizenship (NAPCC) designed to explore student’s knowledge, skills and understanding of the civics and citizenship learning area. This document has been written by teachers to assist in preparation for assessment in the area of Civics and Citizenship. The ...


MP for a Week: Online Game

Challenge your students to survive a week in politics and keep their party, their voters and the media happy. The game gives young people a virtual taste of life as an MP. While created for a UK audience, there are many similarities with the Australian content.


Australian Constitution Centre Resources

Find detailed lesson plans for appropriate levels of schooling supporting topics such as the Rule of Law, Representative Democracy, Australian identity, federation and the Constitution, Australia’s legal system, the Courts and the Australian Justice System, The Constitution and the Making of Law in Australia, The High Court ...


Ministers and shadow ministers

This fact sheet investigates the work of ministers (members of the Australian Government with special responsibilities) and shadow ministers (members of the opposition who closely examine the work of the government).



Cabinet is the top-level decision-making group within the Australian Government. Find out more about who is in Cabinet and how it works with this fact sheet.



This fact sheet explores the role and functions of the Australian Government, including who is in the government, how it is formed, minority government and the principle of responsible government.


The House In Session, Ep 4: The rules that guide the House of Representatives

Annabel Crabb explains some of the rules that guide the House of Representatives – also known as the Lower House – where Members of Parliament argue about and vote on new laws for Australia. Why would a politician hold paper over his or her head when speaking in the Lower House? What happens when all the clocks in the building ...


The House In Session, Ep 5: Writing amendments in the Senate

The Senate’s job is to "check the work" of the House of Representatives and make sure the laws they’ve made are fair. But what happens when the Senate and the House of Representatives disagree? Annabel Crabb explains the process of writing and approving amendments; the rituals of official business; and how the Lamson tube works.


Year 7: Designing our political and legal system

This collection of resource sheets for students and teachers explores the foundations of Australia's legal system including the Westminster system and the rule of law. They also investigate key features of the Australian system and how it is shaped through the Australian Constitution. The resources are designed to provide ...


Australian Constitution online

Browse the complete text of the Australian Constitution with this easy-to use website. It includes a detailed overview by the Australian Government Solicitor and a 2:26 min video snapshot about the Constitution and its role in the governance of the Australian nation.


Three levels of government: governing Australia

In Australia the three levels of government work together to provide us with the services we need. This webpage provides a detailed explanation of the roles and responsibilities of each level, how they raise money and how they work together. Case studies show how the powers of the Australian Parliament have expanded.


Australian Constitution in focus

The Australian Constitution is the legal framework for how Australia is governed. This article explores in detail the history of the Constitution, its key features and the High Court’s role in interpreting it. The page describes processes for amending the Constitution including through referendum as well as two case studies ...


Separation of powers

The principle of the separation of powers distributes the power to govern between the Parliament, the Executive and the Judiciary. This fact sheet examines the role of each group and the related principle of responsible government.


Australian Constitution

This fact sheet summarises the key features of the Australian Constitution— the set of rules by which Australia is run—and how it can be changed.


Snapshots - the Constitution

This is a video about the Australian Constitution. The video outlines the history, purpose and content of Australia’s Constitution and is supported by links to background information and PDF fact sheets.


Australian Civics and Citizenship Curriculum Year 7 unit of work

This unit of work deals with key concepts relating to Australia's federal Parliament specifically the question 'How is Australia's system of democratic government shaped by the Constitution?' It contains lessons, differentiated activities, assessment items and a marking rubric.


Australian Parliament history timeline

This interactive timeline explores key milestones in the history of Australia's Parliament that led to federation and how the work of Parliament has influenced Australian democratic development since 1901. The timeline allows users to explore the milestones chronologically or follow thematic trails.


NSW Governor Marie Bashir – 2010 speech to students

This resource is a YouTube playlist containing a series of videos from a speech the NSW Governor Marie Bashir gave to senior high school students at Government House in 2010. She speaks on a range of topics, including the Australian system of government, the history of Australia and NSW, and her life. She also answers ...


The House In Session, Ep 2: Secrets of the Parliament House building

Annabel Crabb takes us on a tour of Parliament House in Canberra, explaining why her favourite parts are at the very top and the very bottom of the building. Navigate 10 kilometres of hallways, witness the "best view in Canberra", meet the Queen of the Underground and find out how to change the 12-meter flags. What unexpected ...