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Economics and Business 7-10 / Year 7 / Knowledge and understanding
the reasons businesses exist and how different types of businesses provide goods and services (AC9HE7K02)
identifying why businesses exist; for example, to produce goods and services, to make a profit, to provide employment, and investigating the different ways that goods and services are provided to people, such as through shopping centres, local markets, online, small independent stores and remote community stores
identifying the features of different types of businesses, including sole proprietorship, partnership, cooperative, corporation, franchise and not-for-profit organisation
investigating a business owned by First Nations Australians, exploring the types of goods and services offered and why this business was started
identifying examples of different types of businesses that sell goods and/or services in the local community; for example, a sole proprietor operating a car yard, a partnership providing legal services or a corporation selling groceries through a chain of supermarkets
General capabilities
Critical and creative thinking
Critical and Creative Thinking