Health and Physical Education / Year 1 and 2 / Personal, social and community health / Interacting with others

Curriculum content descriptions

identify how different situations influence emotional responses (AC9HP2P03)

  • recognising own emotions and demonstrating ways to manage how they express their emotions in different situations
  • exploring self-regulation strategies to manage emotional responses
  • identifying situations that may trigger strong emotional responses in themselves and others, and recognising the impact the responses can have on others
  • identifying how someone might feel, think and act during an emergency through role-play and imaginative play
  • predicting how a person or character might be feeling based on the words they use, their facial expressions and body language
  • recognising how self and others are feeling in a range of situations
General capabilities
  • Ethical understanding Ethical understanding
  • Personal and social capability Personal and Social capability
ScOT terms

Emotions,  Communication skills


Body Language Pt. 1

In this lesson students watch short video clips to observe and discuss the power of body language. Students will use a learning protocol that promotes small group discussion and collaborative thinking before they answer questions individually.


Coping skills

In this lesson, students will develop an awareness of their emotions. They explore the concept that some emotions are easy to deal with and some are hard and learn strategies to help them control their emotions. Extension activities about emotional regulation can be used in art and drama activities.


Families may change

Students consider the ways that a family may change in terms of structure, such as the birth of a baby, or a divorce. They identify ways to cope with changes like these.


Keep it sweet online

These three slide presentations will give young students strategies for dealing with online risks, identifying and reporting cyberbullying, and dealing with unwanted contact.


Managing family change

Students discuss the changes that take place in families and identify realistic independent activities that they can do to help and cope with these changes.


Reading emotions in others

Students identify external body cues and verbal cues that people demonstrate when they are feeling a range of emotions. They identify how to ‘look’ and ‘listen’ to read these emotions in others and practise reading emotions in others in role-play situations.


Our own firsts: Personal achievements

Students explore the feelings associated with being able to do something by themselves for the first time and reflect on how personal achievements can influence a person's identity.


Feelings, body signals and positive coping strategies

Students explore different emotions, the signals their bodies give for each emotion, and positive coping strategies for different scenarios.


Cybersmart Challenge

This resource includes teacher-led activities using animated videos to introduce students to key online safety issues including cyberbullying, protecting personal information and sharing images. There are three modules including videos, which can be used as stand-alone lessons or as a series.


Mighty Heroes

This resource includes four short animated video chapters and supporting educator notes. Each one features a hero and their online safety superpower. The educator notes are designed to support discussions with students about the key online safety messages in each chapter.


Role-play respect online

This classroom activity is designed to help students identify what communicating respectfully and fairly looks like online by role-playing in a range of scenarios.


Years 1 and 2: Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships

This set of learning materials covers eight topics of Social and Emotional Learning across the Years and 2 levels of schooling. Topics include Emotional Literacy; Personal strengths; Positive Coping; Problem Solving; Stress Management; Help Seeking; Gender and Identity; and Positive Gender Relationships.


Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud & Proud

This resource was curated in response to the theme of the 2024 NAIDOC week: Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud and Proud! The theme highlights the diverse achievements and knowledge passed down through generations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The resource provides a series of curated, age-appropriate ...


How can I keep myself and others safe? - Stage 1

In this unit students investigate safe and unsafe features of specific environments and explore actions to enhance their own and others’ safety and wellbeing. Through practical application students develop help-seeking skills and adopt strategies to help keep themselves and others safe.


Work sample Year 1 and 2 Health and Physical Education: Emotional responses

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 1 and 2 Health and Physical Education. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an ...


The Big Book of Old Tom: Unit of work

This unit of work has been written to support the story The Big Book of Old Tom. Explore themes of family, living alone/living with others, making and keeping friends, pets, respect and social awareness. This unit provides practical teaching ideas, assessment tasks and suggestions about how students might respond creatively ...


Digital Citizenship Resources: Digital Wellbeing

Find resources about evaluating what should be shared online, learning more about the nature of in-app purchasing, assessing the value of playing a lot of video games, and support for students in the development of positive and assertive online skills.


The Sweetest Egg of All: Unit of work

This unit of work has been written to support the book The Sweetest Egg of All. The book is part of a series of books about the Bush Mob, a group of animals who work together to solve problems. These stories emphasise respect, friendship, action, honesty, problem-solving and teamwork. The book provides opportunities to ...


The Snake and the Boy: Unit of work

This unit of work has been written to support the book The Snake and the Boy. The book was written and illustrated by Azmen Sebastian when he was twelve years old. It tells of a boy whose apple is eaten by a pesky tree snake during lunch time. It provides a gateway into issues such as friendship and loneliness, and is a ...


Assess your classroom environment

Not every classroom is specifically designed to respond to the needs of all students. Using this interactive questionnaire, audit a classroom environment and create a task list of simple changes that can be made to create a more space inclusive for neurodivergent students.